An Exclusive Conversation with the Lakewood Tutor Who Saved a Choking Child

The tutor who saves a child’s life yesterday in Lakewood, spoke today exclusively with TLS about his heroic experience.

Since posting the video last night, the tutor’s quick actions are being praised by hundreds of the approximately 100,000 who viewed the video on TLS and TLS social media platforms.

As first reported on TLS, the tutor was meant to have left prior to incident, but he tells TLS he remained behind to speak with the Menahel.

”I think that’s the biggest Neis here,” he said. I was supposed to leave, and the boy came in about 30 seconds later.”

The tutor related that when he saw the boy actively choking, his training immediately kicked in.

”Because I took the course, I didn’t panic and I didn’t lose myself,” he stated. “This comes from continuously reviewing the material you learned and being prepared.”

He says he learned the Heimlich around 30 years ago, but kept on reviewing all the material, just in case it was ever needed.

This was the first time he put his training to use, and it was successful.

“As I was performing the Heimlich, I was just Davening that it gets dislodged before Hatzolah arrives,” he said. “This was precious time which makes all the difference.”

While it was going on, he says “it felt like a good two minutes, I was shocked when I saw the video and realized it only lasted about 20 seconds.”

Originally believed to be a candy, the item the boy actually choked on was a plastic part of a pen the boy had been chewing on, he said.

He added, “The crucial lesson of yesterday’s event, is that it’s time to require all rebbeim, teachers, and principals to take a course in CPR and the Heimlich. This should be mandatory everywhere. If people know what to do, they don’t panic – you never want to waste a single moment in an event like that. May we never need to apply it on anymore and may we hear good news only.”

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  1. If any school wants to organize a CPR course for its teachers or rebeeim I teach such courses at no charge. TLS has sponsored many such courses in the past and many lives were saved because of it. Contact me at 908-670-1791. Chaim kaisman

  2. If someone wants to organize a course for men I can give it at no charge. The course is a two-night course and it’s CPR plus first aid. Contact me for details. 670-1791 .chaim kaisman

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