A recent story featured on ChesedToday.com has been generating buzz and it’s no surprise why. Leah Elyashiv, the great-granddaughter of the esteemed Rav Elyashiv zt’l, is at a pivotal moment in her life. She’s getting married soon, but without a mother, father, or even her great-grandfather’s support, her situation is heart-wrenching.
“My mother was an incredible woman…It is hard for me to find the words to describe what it was like having to say goodbye to such an important person in my life. ..When she died, everything fell apart…Our financial situation is terrible.”
As a descendent of a Torah giant, Leah bears an emotional and spiritual legacy that makes her appeal all the more poignant. Endorsements from several respected gedolim, including Rav Dovid Cohen and Rav Yitzchok Zilberstein, accompany her chilling letter of appeal. Read it here>>>
“Getting married without my mother and father leading me to the Chupah is not simple, but my mother also taught us that Hashem does not abandon any Jew. Please, hear my cry. Don’t turn me away,” Leah writes.
Time is running out for Leah, and she needs your help now more than ever. Click here to be a part of this critical mitzvah, and to receive brachos from Torah giants who endorse this cause.