The following alert was submitted by the Keren Hamaasros.
Currently, consumers should be aware that peppers from Israel have hit the US markets, and require Terumos and Maasros. These peppers have been sighted in Aldi and other stores, with brands of Gilad, Sunset, and others, both regular and organic. Consumers should carefully check the fine print on the package, and the sticker on the individual peppers, for the country of origin. Often the same package can have some peppers from Israel and some from other locations, so each individual package and/ or pepper should be checked.
Some additional examples of Israeli produce commonly found in the U.S. include: tomatoes, carrots, citrus fruit (oranges, grapefruit, lemons, mandarins, clementines and pomelos), persimmons (“Sharon Fruit”), dates, dill and parsley. As always, we caution consumers to check the sticker, bag label or original case for the country of origin before purchase. It is important to note that this season the large Israeli pomelos could have issues of orlah, as well.
For assistance with taking Terumos and Maasros, call Keren Hamaasros (732) 901-9246.
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