Airport Screener to Lakewood Resident: Your bag contains liquid…and a Gun

plane airportA Lakewood resident was quite shocked to find out he had a gun in his luggage, the man told TLS.

“Who does this bag belong to?” the baggage screener at the airport asked during his return flight last week from out of town.

“It’s mine,” he announced, figuring they just wanted to conduct a routine check.

“Well, you have liquid inside, and also a gun,” the woman said.

The resident was quite shocked to hear that, as he had packed his bags and knows he doesn’t even own a gun.

Upon opening the bag, the screener located the gun, which turned out to be a children’s toy gun. Upon further investigation, the father learned that his five-year-old child had received the toy gun from a relative just before they left on their trip, and the boy subsequently – and unknowingly to the father – stuck it into the bag.

“We will need to confiscate it because it looks too real,” the woman said.



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  1. Obviously hand luggage bec tsa doesn’t screen checked luggage i flew with a bb gun in my checked luggage and they didn’t find it

  2. @by gun
    Ur story is definitely proof that they don’t screen checked luggage. Because the tsa is the most foolproof organization ever!!

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