Airmen to conduct EOD training; Area Residents Could Experience Ground Shaking, Considerable Noise

joint base mdl usafThe 421st Explosive Ordnance Disposal is scheduled to conduct EOD training at the Dix ranges on Tuesday, Nov. 17.

The training is scheduled to occur between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.

During this time, the joint base community and residents of the surrounding areas may experience moderate ground shaking and considerable noise coming from the ranges. The noise may travel farther during overcast weather conditions.

“This training is essential and helps ensure the readiness of America’s fighting force. Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst works hard to minimize the impact training has on its surrounding communities and is committed to remaining good neighbors.”

“The 421st Combat Training Squadron is dedicated to its Chief of Staff of the Air Force chartered mission to deliver expeditionary combat support training to over 5,000 U.S. Air Force, Joint and NATO personnel annually. The 421 CTS accomplishes this mission via 18 expeditionary field training and academic courses. The unit falls under the U.S. Air Force Expeditionary Operations School here.”


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  1. to the #1 persons comment you really have a very serious problem: to be making jokes like that especially at this time. you should really think before you come up with such insensitive comments

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