One of the highlights of the year for the parent body of a large elementary school in New Jersey is the yearly parenting workshops provided by the school. In years past, the school was able to afford these workshops through funds provided by the state.
This year, just days before the workshop was scheduled to be held, the school was informed that the funding would not be provided.
The principal of the school reached out to Agudath Israel’s New Jersey office for assistance.
“We advocated on behalf of the school and the state reversed their decision and restored the funding for this educational program,” Agudah said. “Hundreds of Parents will once again be able to benefit from these vital workshops.”
I didn’t get any notice from my school about a parenting class??
Thank You Rabbi Avi Shnall, Always available to help the tzibbur!!!
What a shame more people didn’t take advantage of this free workshop it was spectacular.