PHOTOS: “Stand Up and Speak Up” is the theme of the upcoming 92nd Anniversary Dinner of Agudath Israel of America. The dinner will honor and pay tribute to a distinguished group of individuals, all of whom have risen to the occasion whenever there is a need, truly making a difference on behalf of the individual or the tzibbur.
Mr. Rubin Schron, this year’s Guest of Honor, is a prominent Torah philanthropist. For many years, Mr. Schron has stood up for the success of numerous mosdos haTorah which he supports generously, and for the Kiddush Hashem imperative of conducting all of his business affairs with the utmost integrity and dignity befitting a true ben Torah. As someone who enjoyed a meaningful relationship with the unforgettable Agudah leader, Rabbi Moshe Sherer, z”l, it is more than appropriate that Mr. Schron will be receiving Agudath Israel’s Rabbi Moshe Sherer Memorial Award.
The HaGaon Rav Aharon Kotler Memorial Award will be given in memory of the legendary askan Mr. Julius Klugmann z”l. Mr. Klugmann maintained an exceptionally close relationship with many Gedolei Yisroel, including Rav Aharon Kotler, and devoted his life to following their daas Torah and preserving the integrity of the mesorah.
The Reb Elimelech Tress Memorial Award will be bestowed in memory of Rabbi Aaron Schwebel z”l, an individual who truly represented Torah v’Chesed in his avodas Hashem as well as in his long career of rabbanus and Torah service. Rabbi Schwebel, world renowned as a baal tefillah par excellence, spent many years as chazzan of the flagship Agudas Yisroel shul of 14th Avenue in Boro Park.
The Moreinu Yaakov Rosenheim Memorial Award will be going to Rabbi Yosef Aszknazy. During his years as a yeshiva bochur, Reb Yossi stood up and served as the President of Zeirei Agudas Yisroel. Over the years, he continued to be an extremely dedicated Agudas Yisroel askan. He recently undertook to assist in the conversion and transfer of hundreds of tapes from the Agudath Israel of America archives to digital format.
Four prominent askonim who stand up and speak up on a regular basis for the needs of our communities will be presented with Avodas HaKodesh awards: Dr. Ernest Isaacson of Far Rockaway; Rabbi Shlomo Nisanov, Rabbi of Ahavat Achim/Bukharian Jewish Center of Kew Gardens Hills; Sender Rapaport, Director of Masbia; and Rabbi Mordechai Zions, noted mechanech and Director of Pirchei Agudath Israel of Lakewood. Rabbi Ellis J. Safdeye of the Sephardic Ateret Torah community will receive the William K. Friedman Young Leadership award, and Rabbi Yeruchim Silber, Executive Director of the Boro Park Jewish Community Council, will receive the Public Service Award.
The chairman of the dinner is the well-known askan, Shmuel Yosef Rieder, member of Agudath Israel’s Board of Trustees. Yechiel Eisenstadt, one of the main forces behind the Masmidei HaSiyum program of the Siyum HaShas, will serve as co-chairman.
In the words of Shlomo Werdiger, Chairman of Agudath Israel’s Board of Trustees, “This year’s dinner promises to be an extraordinary demonstration of the effectiveness of Agudath Israel’s work over the past year and a glimpse into the dynamic future ahead.” [TLS- via Agudah]
Rabbi Zions is a true lamed vovnik.
Alter Bubbe is 1000% right. R’ Motdche Yehoshua Ben Horav R’ Avrum Abba HaLevi is A Tzaddik in more ways than one.
This is an impressive campaign. I feel like there are dozens of dinners a week these days and they all come across as a blur. This dinner caught my attention. The stand up and speak up message is sharp focused and to the point. It also does a great job of summing up the Agudah. Kudos!
who is speaking up for all the girls who are not accepted into highschool yet? Thats someone who deserves an honor!!
and for all the girls not in elementary school too!