Agudath Israel: It is gratifying that Dr. Gershon Pincus has now been granted security clearance and will be able to serve his country without the “dual loyalty” canard hanging over his head.
We are grateful that the hierarchy of the Navy paid heed to the concerns Agudath Israel and other Jewish groups expressed over the outrageous earlier denial of security clearance to this patriotic citizen, and finally reversed course.
Unfortunately, as was brought to light in this case, Dr. Pincus is by no means the only Jewish American who has been denied the opportunity to serve his country because his alleged ties to the State of Israel make him an unacceptable security risk.
Respectfully, we renew our call to the Department of Defense to conduct a full review of its policies and procedures regarding security clearances for Jewish Americans, and to once and for all renounce the canard of dual loyalty.