Agudath Israel Presents E-Rate Program Workshop and Webinar for Yeshivos

agudahThe Yeshiva Services Division of Agudath Israel of America sponsored a live workshop and webinar to help administrators of yeshivos and day schools navigate the complex E-Rate telecommunications discount program.

E-Rate is a nearly two-decade-old federal program that subsidizes various telecommunications services for public and nonpublic schools. Since the program’s inception, Agudath Israel of America has arranged annual workshops to familiarize yeshivos with the program’s details and process, and properly leverage the program’s benefits.

“E-Rate is a particularly complex and detail-oriented program, and there are ongoing changes, particularly for the 2016 year,” explains Mrs. Deborah Zachai, Director of Yeshiva Services for Agudath Israel of America. “It is important that we offer administrators the information and resources to keep on top of all developments.”

This year’s live workshop was held on December 16, 2015 at Bnos Leah Prospect Park Yeshiva in Brooklyn. As in previous years, Mr. Winston Himsworth of E-Rate Central, the technical coordinator of the E-Rate program for the New York State Education Department, delivered the presentation. The Workshop/Webinar was attended by administrators live at Bnos Leah as well as by virtual participants in Missouri, Wisconsin, Pittsburgh, Chicago and other locales across the nation.

This is yet another in a series of workshops the Yeshiva Services Division has held for nonpublic school administrators. Previous workshops have focused on compliance with the Affordable Care Act, back-to-school issues, school security and other topics top-of-mind to nonpublic school administrators. The webinars have proven to be particularly useful to administrators both throughout New York State and across the country who were unable to personally attend workshops.

The Yeshiva Services Division provides ongoing support and resources to yeshivos through the dissemination of emails, news items, workshops and webinars.


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