Agudah NJ Director: Reach out to Governor to Increase Security Funding for Non-Public schools

avi schnall tlsA letter from Agudah NJ Director Avi Schnall: On February 16th the Governor will be delivering his budget message and the 2016 budget season will begin.

Last year, due to the great efforts of several legislators, $3.75 million were allocated towards security funding for Non-public schools, at a rate of $25 per child.

This was the first time in nearly 20 years that a new source of funding was allocated to the nonpublic schools and we were very grateful. Many schools were able to enhance their school security immensely, keeping our children safer, through these funds.

However, much more is needed. As the world we live in becomes more dangerous we need to ensure that we are providing our children with the greatest amount of security, especially while they are at school, a most vulnerable target.

Therefore we encourage all members of the community to reach out to Governor Christie and ask that he continues to support and to significantly increase the Nonpublic school security funding allocation.

The Honorable Chris Christie

Phone: (609) 292-6000



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  1. I am at a loss as to why the state or federal governments should be responsible for funding security for non public schools? Wouldn’t these things usually be covered in the tuition paid for each child in school?

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