Agudah NJ Director Avi Schnall: Silence by Toms River Officials on Hate Incident Surprising

avi schnall tlsAgudath Israel New Jersey Director Rabbi Avi Schnall tells TLS he is very concerned about the recent hate incident that occurred in a local Toms River park, and the lack of condemnation that followed.

“We are very concerned over the deeply offensive hate message that has been discovered in Toms River,” Rabbi Schnall says, “especially against the back drop of the increasing resistance from members of the Toms River community towards the growth of the orthodox community.”

What is also troubling, says Rabbi Schnall, is the surprising silence of the elected officials of Toms River.

“The reticence of the Toms River officials is unseemly,” Rabbi Schnall said. “Such actions must be condemned.”



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  1. He’s 100% right. I thought we were friends with that Sherriff Mastordony, or whatever his name is. Why didn’t he condemn this cowardly act of hate ? Not nice.

  2. It’s “unseemly”??? How about appalling? We are witnessing overt Anti-Semitism with comments going so far as to question what’s so terrible about the scrawl. WE are foolish to think these things are just random.

    Try writing such a statement on another minority- I’ll leave it to the audience to choose any one they wish, since TLS likely won’t post my comment if I single out any particular minority. Try writing anything REMOTELY similar, there would be press conferences that same day- and the panel would be replaced that same day. Somehow all is quiet in this case. I wonder………

  3. Hmmm

    The thought of writing such an abomination anywhere is appalling..

    But, I think it best to educate our youth to NOT to do this.
    It seems to me that this was the act of a poorly raised child who needs to be disciplined.. Not a situation that needs to be litigated to the benefit of lawyers to exploit a community of poorly raised/educated children.

    These “potential” lawsuits do nothing but cost the taxpayers $.

    Perhaps more outreach to stop these actions vs. threats of lawsuits..

  4. Hateful messages should not be written. If found, they should be erased.
    But, Why does it need to be condemned?
    Why make an big issue of what some kid wrote in the park?

    Maybe if a big deal is made, others will decide to try it too? Don’t kids like doing things that annoy others?

  5. Avi Schnall is a class act! The Agudah is so luck to have his charisma and energy on board. As a community, Lakewood is so fortunate to have someone who is dedicating his life to looking out for our best interests – kol hakavod!

    An Avi Schnall fan!

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