After Years Of Shidduchim, Here’s What This Girl Has To Say

[COMMUNICATED] “I was in shidduchim for years after my mother passed away from cancer. Now I am finally getting married, but I have no parents to help pay for my upcoming wedding.”

“I am a kallah, orphaned from my parents. I am engaged, but I am in essence alone. I have noone in the world.”

In a massive project that he is spearheading, R’ Cohen has compiled and verified over 50 tragic cases of kallahs who have no parents and have noone to help them get married. The above are only a select few of the verified true stories of orphaned kallahs that R’ Dovid Cohen has taken under his wing.  In the words of Rav Dovid Cohen (HASKAMA BELOW),

“With G-d’s help all those who donate to marry off the 52 orphans will merit to make a simcha in their homes. They should merit to live long, and to be saved from tragedy and difficult illnesses.”

Whoever partakes in this massive project will have the zechus of performing hachnosas kallah in its highest and most praiseworthy form. Click here to donate to a meaningful cause.

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