JUST IN: TLS has just received word from Police Chief Rob Lawson from the Lakewood PD of additional arrests in the Bias Egg-throwing attacks on the Orthodox community. (Story which has been covered here, here and here on TLS). The following is an update just released by the Lakewood Police Department: on 5/24/10, Lakewood Police Department received information that Mark L. Johnson, who had been previously charged with bias intimidation and harassment while on probation, was hiding out at 41 Frederick drive, apt b 11, Bayville, NJ.
Detective Steve Wexler assisted by several members of the Berkeley Twp. Police Department proceeded to this address and arrested Mark l. Johnson at 2131 hours. As a result of that arrest an additional suspect was found in the residence:
Amanda A. Coady
New Albany, Pennsylvania
18 years old
Miss Coady was arrested, taken into custody and Berkeley Twp PD transported both parties back to Lakewood PD headquarters.
As a result of interviews of a witness and Miss Coady, Miss Coady was charged with 5 counts of bias intimidation 4th degree and five counts of harassment disorderly. Miss Coady’s bail was set at 12,500.00 dollars. Miss Coady and Mark l. Johnson were subsequently transported to ocean county jail on default of bail.
Detective Wexler was assisted by Berkeley Twp PD officers, Sgt. Ryan Roth, Det. Joesph Robertazzi, Ptl. Warren Black, and Ptl. Michael Polkans.
With these arrests, all of the suspects in the bias incidents occuring on 5/19/10 have been arrested and charged with serious crimes. Hopefully, this will send a loud message out to any others who think that it is fun or accepable to harass people based on their race, religion, ethnicity, gender, handicap or color.
i just hope they get judgement of the full extent of the law,and not a slap on the wrist.we need to send a clear message to any newcomers who have any bright ideas.
Thank you, this time it is much easier to read.
i got egged friday night may 7th from guys in a black car i hope they also get arressted
someone from (prob) same small white car threw eggs at me the night before shavuos 5/17. is there any reason to report?
to 4,yes if you want them arrested.!!!
Just now on MLK Drive, I saw 3 teens beating up a young man in broad daylight. Where are the cops?????????
Call the cops!!! Why go online and then go to TheLakewoodScoop and then post a comment and then wait for moderation approval??
I assume you have a cell phone!
to #3 you should see how many people R”L get egged on our egged buses in Eretz Yisroel
Thanks Det. Wexler. You’re right on it. You have alot of fans out there.
Great Job Lakewood Police Department!!
to #6 You saw a crime being committed. Did you call the police or maybe try to help the victim?
#6 did u call lpd? Or the lcsw? Or did u not realy see something.