Ad: What’s the Catch?

lexon[ADVERTORIAL] People wonder: Is it really worth switching electric suppliers. Will it actually help me save money? Is it worth my time? What’s the catch?

This information should give you a good answer. JCP&L charges its customers a fixed price for the summer and a different fixed price for the rest of the year. JCP&L is currently charging residential customers over 10c kwh. Other suppliers are charging much less.

Q: How great are the savings?

A: Currently an amazing 22% (off the supply charge only). If you are now paying $200 a month with JCP&L, by switching to the right energy supplier your charges would drop to $156. That is a savings of $44 in just one month. Over the year you would save $528. (and possibly more).


Q: Is there a catch?

A: No – but you must sign up for a fixed price. Also, before your contract expires you must renew your contract. Otherwise, you will automatically receive high variable pricing.


Q: How can I protect myself from this?

A: Lexon Energy has a system that keeps them on top of their customers’ expiration dates. LE will monitor your contract and renew it for you before it expires (at a lower rate than JCP&L of course).  You can join many customers who are saving on their electricity year after year.


Q: How long will these low rates last?

A: Right now they are the lowest we have ever offered. It is impossible to know how long they will last.

Lexon Energy can be reached at: (732) 363 – 4420 or [email protected]

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  1. Sounds good! Just one question: What if plan ends and utility is the cheapest rate thenot . . Will there be problems getting back to them seamlessly?

  2. Answer to Nate: Nice question. If you call JCP&L at least 21 days before your meter read they will take over your energy supply as of the following meter read.

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