[ADVERTORIAL] Maggots. Foul odors. Hard-to-reach rancid garbage deep in the bowels of your garbage can. You know all the gripes that come along with the ubiquitous green township cans that line the streets of Lakewood. Once-a-week trash pickup and mounds of garbage pretty much ensure maggot infestation and eau de parfume ala smelly garbage.
Enter The Garbage Bag, a simple solution to your trash woes. Heavy-duty, 100 -gallon capacity, these bags slip easily into your garbage can, preventing odors, maggots, and dirty messes. Come trash collection day, the bag and your mounds of garbage disappear leaving you with a clean can. You can knot the bag around the rim for reuse- the bag will remain in the can during trash collection.
Of course, you can get creative with these behemoth bags. Use them to store your sukkah panels, cover your outdoor lawn chairs, protect your bikes or grill, cover your outdoor central air conditioning fan for the winter, transport your linen for your Sukkos getaway, or decorate the walls of your sukkah.
Launched in the summer, The Garbage Bag has been receiving rave reviews from homeowners, and more importantly, their housekeepers. As they gain popularity, these black, slick liners have been mushrooming around town, giving a new face to Lakewood’s signature green cans.
Sukkos brings with it lots of guest, meals, and of course, garbage, so do yourself a favor and line your can with these nifty bags. Visit www.thegarbagebag.com or your local retailer for this incredible product, you’ll be able to breathe easier, and of course, your cleaning lady will thank you.
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