Fidelity Payment Services celebrates Kvias Mezuzah for new Lakewood office, ushering in new jobs for the Lakewood community (Photos)

mk[COMMUNICATED] On Thursday, 2nd Adar I, a Kvias Mezuzah was held at Fidelity Payment Services’ brand new 5,000 sq. ft. office in Lakewood’s industrial park.

The Kvias Mezuzah was attended by esteemed Rabbonim including: HaRav Malkiel Kotler, The Tenker Rav, The Belzer Dayan, Rav Avrohom Helberg, along with prominent Askanim, community leaders and hundreds of clients. In addition to affixing the front-door mezuzah, HaRav Malkiel Kotler took time out of his busy schedule to sit down and deliver beautiful words of chizuk to the overflowing crowd.

Among the other attendees was Rabbi Rozansky of Tiferes Bais Yaakov, Rabbi Drew & Rabbi Gottlieb of TAG, Committeeman Meir Lichtenstein, and Fidelity clients from many Mosdos and Businesses. The guests mingled with Fidelity’s payment experts, while enjoying a delicious buffet catered by Glatt Gourmet.

The new office will operate in addition to the current Fidelity Lakewood office on Madison Avenue, and is over 5x times the size of the previous office, representing a company expansion which is a direct result of the many clients who have trusted Fidelity with their payment processing. The spacious accommodations translate into many more local jobs for Lakewood community members in an atmosphere consistent with our community’s values. On the day of the Kvias Mezuzah alone, nearly a dozen job interviews took place! With over 25 employees in Lakewood, and 10 sales agents, the Lakewood staff joins Fidelity’s team of 135 employees and 250 agents.

Headquartered in Brooklyn, NY, Fidelity Payments is celebrating its 20th year of service and has grown to hundreds of in-house employees and hundreds of outside sales agents. Incredibly, that growth has propelled Fidelity to become one of the top 20 sales organizations for the nation’s largest processor. This strong relationship has enabled Fidelity to negotiate the lowest rates available. The combination of home-grown technology, industry knowledge, low rates and unparalleled service is the reason that thousands of businesses trust Fidelity.

Fidelity thanks the hundreds of Lakewood businesses and Mosdos that rely on Fidelity for their payment processing and looks forwards to continually serving the growing Lakewood community with cutting edge payment solutions, low rates and unparalleled service.

About Fidelity Payment Services:

Founded in 1996, Fidelity Payment Services is one of the largest electronic payment providers in North America, with offices across the US, Canada and the UK. Founded by Benjamin Weiser, the company grew to become one of the largest processors in North America. With access to the lowest industry pricing, Fidelity is able to offer the most competitive rates to merchants while simultaneously providing the most advanced technology and unparalleled support. To contact Fidelity, call 732-243-2355 or email [email protected].


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