[ADVERTORIAL] Are the tiles in your bathroom or kitchen slippery when wet? Is your bathtub slippery? Do you have a pool, or do you know of an elderly person who is afraid of slipping in the shower? Finally, a solution to these concerns has come toLakewood homes.
Certified Safety Solutions, aLakewood company that has been treating floors in nursing homes, restaurants and Mikvaos with its revolutionary treatment, SuperGrip, is now offering to serviceLakewood residences.
A 2 yr. oldLakewoodchild slipped in his bathroom and required stitches on his forehead. His father called Certified Safety Solutions and requested a SuperGrip treatment to ensure that it doesn’t happen again. The family is thrilled with the results; the price was reasonable, the floor looks the same as before – but now it’s skid-free when wet! They also received a warranty that the treatment will remain effective for at least two years. They’re only sorry they hadn’t called prior to the injury of their son.
After this incident, the company decided to offer its services to local residents, in addition to servicing commercial clients who have benefitted from SuperGrip throughout the NY/NJ area.
TONIGHT: SuperGrip will be hosting a booth at the YTT EXPO demonstrating its results on ceramic and porcelain tiles. You can see and feel the tiles for yourself. You can also call 732-364-GRIP (4747) or go to http://www.certifiedsafetysolution.com/ to request an in-house demonstration.
The administrator of the Far Rockaway Mikva, which was treated with SuperGrip last summer, recently sent a thank you letter. He writes, “I had contacted Certified Safety Solutions because we had many complaints of slippery floors. Our facility has very high traffic where the floors get wet from the showers and baths. The last thing we needed was a serious injury of one of our customers. I must confess, I was very skeptical that the treatment would be effective. We tried many ideas which were not successful. We even considered ripping out the tiles to replace them with tiles which are less slippery. All I can say is that in the many months since the floors were treated, we have not had one complaint. The treatment is not noticeable on the floor, so we can maintain the integrity of our beautiful rooms, secure in the knowledge that we are not posing a safety hazard.”
Many tiles are not slip-resistant and they rapidly lose traction when wet. Even numerous “non-slip tiles” that come from the factory will only work well on a dry surface. Some will be effective on wet surfaces for a few months, until the non-slip coating wears off. A “non-slip tile sealer” will wear off in a very short period of time. That creates a danger zone on your slippery tile floors. It’s unusual for someone to slip on a dry floor; slips typically occur on wet slippery tiles or in a slippery tub.
SuperGrip treatment, offered locally exclusively by Certified Safety Solutions, creates a microscopic-tread on the tile or tub. This is accomplished without losing the look or feel of your flooring or the comfort of bathing. SuperGrip will not discolor or change the look of your floor, tile, tub or shower. And one treatment lasts for years!
Special discount for TLS readers: Go to the www.CertifiedSafetySolution.com website and choose Request a Quote. Put in Coupon Code “TLS” and receive a discount off a commercial or residential slip-proofing job.
Do you know of a business, Mikva or Shul that needs a SuperGrip treatment? Please visit the SuperGrip booth at the YTT EXPO and recommend a business and enter a raffle for a great prize. Or email the business name and contact information to [email protected] and you will be entered into this great raffle, as well.
For Slip-Proofing by SuperGrip, please call 732-364-GRIP (4747). For a reasonable price, they will treat your floor or tub, keep the original look – and will leave you with a slip-proof surface and peace of mind regarding the safety of you and your family.
Great product!
Truly a great product. I’ve seen test samples and the difference is incredible. It also does not damage the finish. The cost is very reasonable. I would recommend anybody with a slippery floor to stop by and check it out. You will truly be amazed.
We used this company and we are very very happy with them! our bathroom floors are really slip free and my kids can come out of the bath without having to worry about slipping like they did before we slip proofed it. It was a pleasure dealing with them! Thank you!!
I know of a Shul that has a porch which was very slippery whenever it rained. The area was treated a few months ago with Super Grip, with great results. I wish other shuls and Mikvas would make use of the service.
Sounds like a super idea! My kids have been complaining about my bathroom floors for a long time. Must try this.
The owner is a great great guy! worth calling him just to chat
wow! what a great and safe idea!! will check it out tonight.
I personally slipped as a guest in someones shower and am thankful that I caught myself before I hit my head. Its so nice to see that a jewish business is out there to help prevent these occurrences!
I think that every homeowner and builder should consider this for their bathrooms to prevent tragedies. I shudder when I think about the nightmares I had as a kid of a kallah that slipped and hit her head!
Kudos to the owners and may have hatzlacha in helping as many people as you can keep themselves safe.
I hope people really paid attention well to what you do at the YTT Expo! You are saving lives!
all these comments sound fake to me
too positive
I saw this at the Expo. It’s the coolest thing. Duds should ask the owner to come to his house and show him. and then Duds with re-post his own positive comment. I happened to be at that booth when the mother of the two-year-old with stiches stopped at the booth to thank the owner.
Great job guys. Do you have something for my fiberglass bathtub? I am desperate for something at home and the senior facility I work at which has 200 showers.
Steve #11: Please give me a call at 732-364-GRIP (4747) and we can talk. Thank you to all who posted comments. And thank you TLS for letting everyone know about SuperGrip.