[Reader Submitted] There is a young Bochur in Lakewood who was in an accident when he was younger. He desperately needs a special chair that costs a tremendous amount of money and is not covered by insurance. This is preventing him from shteiging and progressing.
This chair is called a Scoliosis Traction Chair. Do you know of anyone that has one that is not presently being used or a second hand chair for sale?
Please email your response to [email protected]. Tizku L’mitzvos!
I know who this boy is personally and it is a great need
how much does this chair cost?
if you dont get any responses for who has one, set up a link to where people can help donate for it, im sure it will get covered
Ocean home health is a frum owned company based in LAKEWOOD that specializes in custom wheelchairs please have the family contact them and they , will help them in every way possible .
Mai suggest they speak to rabbi kazirer of Lakewood bikur cholim who has a gemach and is also experienced in helping get medical equipment
the chair costs 3800 dollers and thay have 1000 of it thanks
do you know the manufacturer of this chair, and model number? I have some connections with these types of manufacturers, maybe I can get a good deal?
i would donate on line , ex paypal etc,,,
Mi k’amcha yisroel is all I can say.
call Ari Gass the bikur cholim medical equipment director at 732-905-3020 ext 121
I would like very much to donate. Please provide a website/ mailing add where that would be possible. Thanks.
this site may may be helpful http://www.helpthisjew.com/