Accident Victim In Need Of Special Chair

[Reader Submitted] There is a young Bochur in Lakewood who was in an accident when he was younger. He desperately needs a special chair that costs a tremendous amount of money and is not covered by insurance. This is preventing him from shteiging and progressing.

This chair is called a Scoliosis Traction Chair. Do you know of anyone that has one that is not presently being used or a second hand chair for sale?
Please email your response to [email protected]. Tizku L’mitzvos!
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  1. Ocean home health is a frum owned company based in LAKEWOOD that specializes in custom wheelchairs please have the family contact them and they , will help them in every way possible .

  2. Mai suggest they speak to rabbi kazirer of Lakewood bikur cholim who has a gemach and is also experienced in helping get medical equipment

  3. do you know the manufacturer of this chair, and model number? I have some connections with these types of manufacturers, maybe I can get a good deal?

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