[COMMUNICATED] Ki Heim Chayeinu has teamed up with Star-K to produce a series of videos exploring the practical halachos derived from the sugya of Hagalas Keilim, discussed in Sunday’s Daf- Pesachim, Daf Lamed.
It’s been almost a year since The Siyum, and The Daf has been going strong despite all the challenges that this year has brought.
Throughout it all, under the banner of Ki Heim Chayeinu, the Agudah has inspired tens of thousands of Lomdei Torah, Lomdei haDaf and Baalei Batim, to increase their commitment to Kvias Ittim; to make Limud HaTorah an ever-increasing part of their lives, letting their learning impact everything they do.
Thousands of Jews, spanning the globe, have been inspired by Ki Heim Chayeinu’s programs. We’ve hosted worldwide Siyumim on Masechtos Brachos, Shabbos and Eiruvin; inspired tens of thousands of lomdim through our V’nismach Chizuk program; and elevated the joy and experience of Shabbos for thousands of families through our ongoing B’dibur Echad video series and print materials.
This is the mission which the Novominsker Rebbe zt’’l charged us with: To promote the reality of Torah being “Ki Heim Chayeinu V’orech Yameinu” -of which Daf Yomi is the ultimate expression.
And now, as we approach the anniversary of The Siyum, we have teamed up with Star- K, under the guidance of R’ Moshe Heinemann shlita, to bring to you our all new “Ben Yomo” series. The goal here too, is to make Ki Heim Chayeinu a reality; to help you absorb Torah into your daily life; to live your learning.
The video series, which is being launched today, addresses many of the questions you‘ve likely faced before when it comes to kashering and maintaining a kosher kitchen.
How do you kasher a microwave?
What is the best way to kasher a sink?
Must you spend a day kashering the kitchen before you spend a Shabbos in a non-kosher vacation rental?
Featuring Rabbis Zvi Holland, Moshe Schuchman and Chananya Jacobson of the Star- K, as well as many of their colleagues, you get to learn from the pros the various methods of kashering and how they apply to different appliances and materials.
To you as a dedicated Daf Yomi member, the series will bring to life many points that you’ve covered briefly in your learning.
It’s a fantastic opportunity to bring your learning home and get your family involved!
Together you’ll be able to watch fascinating live footage of kashering in action, along with discussions of contemporary shailos with the experts in the field.
“It’s a great privilege to be teaming up with the Aguda and Ki Heim Chayeinu to promote Limud HaTorah and knowledge of Hilchos Kashrus through Daf HaYomi” says Dr. Avrom Pollak, Star-K’s president.
So keep a look out for the Ben Yomo videos, which will be coming out weekly for the next several weeks, and go ahead and share them with your wives, children and friends.
Today’s video: CLICK HERE to watch!
Upon seeing a student learning the halachos of Ben Yomo with tremendous hasmada and an unparalleled bren, the Rosh Yeshiva reportedly said: “This student approaches learning with the purity and curiosity of a tinuk ben yoma.”