Abandoned Vehicle Found Engulfed In Flames

VIDEO: Authorities are investigating after a vehicle was found engulfed in flames this afternoon. Police and the Lakewood Fire Department received calls today about a possible brush fire in the area of the Garden State Parkway and Airport Road.

Upon arrival, Police discovered a pick-up truck fully engulfed in flames in an open field just off the Parkway, with no sign of a driver around.

The Forest Fire units were called to the scene, to extinguish the fire.

The Fire Marshal’s office is investigating the incident. TLS-MK.

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  1. Forest in Lakewood? Now there’s a thing of the past!

    I saw that funny red “forest Fire” truck, ancient truck mind you.

    I think the forest brigade should go the way of the forests, and svae Lakewood Money!

    (The forests are earning big time cash in taxes- for every tree they take down they put up five or six duplexes!)

  2. Poster number 1,
    Are you that much of an ignoramus? There are places that dont have access to water and they need to send a truck with a water tank. What purpose would it serve to send a new fire truck to a place with no water hookup. Those big hoses would be useless. Think before you post

  3. I used to live in New England Village, my house backed up to the woods and many times there was a fire, they would send in that truck that drives over anything to get to the fire, the normal fire truck would not be able to get to it, so yes they are needed. # 2 i agree with you 100%

  4. “The forest are earning big time cash in taxes” – I guess that’s why the town fathers have a need to ask for give backs or lay off township employee’s. Even with all the new construction going up in the township there’s not enough tax money coming in to keep up with the new demands placed on the government that come along with building the new homes and business. Until the two word problem is addressed fairly the tax issue will always be problem. If you believe for one minute your tax issues will be solved by black topping and building on every square inch of property in the town your sadly mistaken. JMO

  5. Maybe Lakewood wouldn’t have a big tax problem if it stopped turning every empty factory into a school and brought back industry. Schools are tax exempt. How about slowing down building homes, townhouses and condos. It cost taxpayers money every time a new place is built, installing water, sewage, garbage. Come on elected officals open your eyes and smell the coffee.

  6. To #7, you hit the nail on the head. By the time Lakewood is done building there will not be a blade of grass left. Don’t you know the trees provide oxygen and were put here for a reason. Think I will move to Brooklyn, probably less populated than Lakewood when all is said and done.

  7. “…I don’t know how many tax dollars a volunteer organization receives…”

    A LOT LESS than if Lakewood had a PAID fire department. Volunteers don’t get paid. Lakewood would need at least 24 men – 4 per truck, 2 trucks, 3 shifts = 24 men getting salaries and benefits. And that’s for just the 2 (presently) paid-man trucks. And when a major fire happens other towns would have to be called because 8 men on the shift could not handle it. And if you want the ladder truck to respond that requires 4 more PAID men. I say again – Lakewood’s VOLUNTEER FIREMEN DON’T GET PAID. The town only provides the equipment they need.

  8. number 1 ,maybe we would have a newer forrest fire truck if our budget wasnt cut. you expect us to save lives and property but ohh yeah yo have to do it with old equipment. i would like to see you on the front lines you fool…

  9. #4 is absolutely correct! Too many people in too little of a place is NEVER good for anyone or anything. Trees and fields of grass are essential for this part of the world…..and elsewhere.

  10. the propblem is not the schools being taxed exept
    the problem is that there are to many many workers with large salaies and pensions that it bankrupting out town and the entire usa
    look how many compaines are now laying off these people and hiring another worker for half the salary !

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