It’s that time of year, when potholes litter our roadways and, in many cases, hit our wallets hard. Americans spend billions of dollars every year to repair damages caused by potholes, with prices ranging from hundreds of dollars to more than a thousand. Even though it has been a mild winter across New Jersey, the large temperature swings, along with plenty of rain over the past few weeks, are the perfect recipe for potholes.
While blown tires are a common outcome of hitting a pothole, dented rims, damaged wheels, dislodged wheel weights, displaced struts, dislocated shock absorbers, and damaged exhaust systems are also costly, common automotive issues caused by pothole run‐ins. Other telltale signs include misaligned steering systems, and ruptured ball joints.
“This winter, we have seen temperatures vary from single-digit lows to highs of 60 degrees or so,” says Jillian Hughes, Manager of AAA Car Care Center in Toms River. “That is fertile ground for potholes to grow.”
Typically, potholes form when moisture collects in small holes and cracks in the road surface. As temperatures rise and fall, the moisture expands and contracts due to freezing and thawing. This breaks up the pavement and, combined with the weight of passing cars, eventually results in the formation of potholes.
“So far this year, AAA Roadside Assistance has responded to over 13,000 Member calls for tire issues in New Jersey alone,” says Hughes. “While drivers can’t always avoid a pothole, having a useable spare may help them avoid additional inconvenience and expense.”
While a quick change of a tire can put you back on the road, many new cars do not come with spare tires. It is critical that drivers check to make sure they have a spare tire before they find themselves in need.
While the desire for any call is always a quick fix at the roadside, AAA Emergency Rescue data indicates that last year, more than 20% of all tire-related calls in New Jersey resulted in the need for a tow – almost half of those were because there was no useable spare. Had there been a spare available, thousands of tows could have been avoided, saving drivers both time and money.
Is Your Tow Service and the Damage Caused by Potholes Covered by Insurance?
Maybe. Maybe not. Typically, a flat tire is not covered by insurance because it is considered basic wear and tear. But, a blowout caused by a pothole, the tow and additional damages to your vehicle may be covered, depending on your level of coverage.
“This is a costly lesson learned too late by many motorists,” says Hughes. “Drivers who opt for minimum coverage may find themselves paying a steep price when it comes to potholes.”
AAA urges all vehicle owners to talk to their insurance advisors in advance of a pothole problem to ensure they are adequately covered, should the need arise.
Avoiding Potholes
Of course, the best way to prevent pothole damage or tire troubles that might require a tow is to avoid potholes altogether.
AAA offers the following tips for avoiding potholes/minimizing damage:
- Beware of Puddles – Puddles are often potholes in disguise.
- Look Ahead – Make a point of scanning the road ahead for potholes. An alert driver is more likely to have time to avoid a pothole.
- Increase Following Distance – This will give you additional time to avoid potholes otherwise hidden by the vehicle in front of you.
- Limit Distractions – Avoiding a pothole is much easier if you are paying attention to the road ahead.
- Slow Down – Slowing down will increase the chance of avoiding a pothole, and if a pothole cannot be avoided, reduced speed will likely mean reduced damage.
- Inspect Tires – Make sure tires are properly inflated and have a healthy tread. Tires that are not road-ready are at greater risk of a blowout or flat.
- Take Care of Your Spare – Check your trunk. Many newer cars do not have spare tires or the spare is unusable, causing greater inconvenience to drivers and their passengers in the event of a flat.
- Don’t Ignore Noises/Vibrations – A hard pothole impact can dislodge wheel weights, damage the tire or wheel and even break suspension components. Any unusual noises after a pothole hit should be inspected immediately.