I was humbled and deeply inspired recently when I came across the Kli Yakar on Parshas Shemos (1:1), where he explains Rashi’s profound comparison of the Jewish people, especially the righteous, to the stars. The Kli Yakar brings two beautiful interpretations that illuminate this timeless analogy, each one carrying a powerful and moving message—and then he adds his own breathtaking insight.
The first explanation points out something remarkable: Stars are present even during the day, but their light is hidden until the sun sets. Similarly, the true light of a tzaddik (a righteous individual) often becomes fully visible only after their passing, when their profound impact on the world becomes undeniably clear. As it says in Daniel (12:3), “And those who bring many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever and ever.” Just as stars exist but may remain unseen during daylight, so too, the enduring legacy of a tzaddik transcends time, shining brightly in the World to Come, even if their influence was not fully appreciated in their own generation.
The second explanation takes this idea further. Stars are most visible in the darkness of night, and in the same way, the light of a righteous person shines brightest after their sun has set. The Kli Yakar connects this to the verse in Koheles (12:2): “Until the sun and the light darken, and the moon and the stars.” He explains that a person’s true greatness, their shem tov,is only fully revealed after they’ve passed on. Why? Because during their lifetime, we can never be certain they’ll maintain their righteousness to the very end. As Koheles (4:2) states: “I praise the dead who have already died”—it is only after death that one’s legacy is complete, their righteousness confirmed, their light eternal.
This idea is vividly demonstrated in the Torah’s description of Yosef HaTzaddik: “And Yosef was in Egypt.” Rashi explains that this verse testifies to Yosef’s unwavering righteousness—he remained steadfast in his integrity from beginning to end. The Torah only praises him fully after noting his passing: “And they placed him in a coffin in Egypt,” affirming that his righteousness endured until his very last moment.
The lesson is clear: The righteous are like stars. Their true brilliance is revealed when the sun sets—when their journey in this world has ended, and their eternal impact begins to shine. As Daniel (12:3) beautifully teaches, “And those who bring many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever and ever.” A tzaddik who inspires others to righteousness ensures that their light will never be extinguished. Their legacy lives on in the lives they touched, their students, their communities—forever.
This profound insight resonates deeply with the life and legacy of Rav Mattisyahu Salomon zt”l. Like the stars, his light continues to shine brightly, guiding all who were privileged to learn from him. My new book, Talmid’s Journey, is a humble attempt to preserve and amplify this eternal light. It is more than a tribute; it is a beacon for anyone seeking inspiration, guidance, and wisdom in their own lives. Through sharing his profound teachings, cherished insights, and unwavering dedication to Klal Yisrael, this book ensures that his influence will continue to inspire future generations.
Are you ready to be inspired by the timeless lessons of a true tzaddik? This book is your opportunity to connect with Rav Mattisyahu’s legacy and make it part of your own journey. Just as the stars shine eternally, so too does the light of a tzaddikwhose influence endures through the lives he touched.
I invite you to join me on this journey—to uncover the brilliance of his teachings and bring light to your own life and to others. Together, we can ensure that his legacy of righteousness shines forever. Don’t wait—secure your copy of Talmid’s Journeytoday and let the timeless wisdom of Rav Mattisyahu Salomon zt”l illuminate your path.