A Sweeping Victory For Incumbents – Singer, Kean, Rible, Coles, Langert, Vicari Win 2011 General Elections



REP – Robert W. Singer 8,914 69.16%
DEM – Steve Morlino 3,919 30.41%
Write-In 56 0.43%
Total 12,889 100.00%
REP – Sean T. Kean 8,740 34.62%
REP – David P. Rible 7,940 31.45%
DEM – Howard Kleinhendler 4,156 16.46%
DEM – Shaun O’Rourke 4,111 16.28%
IND – David Schneck 253 1.00%
Write-In 49 0.19%
Total 25,249 100.00%
REP – Steven Langert 5,865 33.37%
REP – Harold ‘Hal’ Halvorsen 3,579 20.36%
DEM – Raymond Coles 5,427 30.88%
DEM – Moshe Raitzik 2,613 14.87%
Write-In 91 0.52%
Total 17,575 100.00%
REP – Joe Vicari 67,400 65.22%
DEM – Michele Rosen 35,773 34.62%
Write-In 165 0.16%
Total 103,338 100.00%
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  1. All I can say for the democratic ticket is ‘too little, too late’.

    They should have started marketing their message/difference clearly and effectively ages ago.

  2. very shvacha voter turnout. only 17,000 votes for township committee. (with 2 votes per person that’s less that nine thousand people voting). apathy.

  3. Q why did hershel endorse the democrats didnt he run in the primaries together (at least advertise with halverson)why did he change his mind is he for real!!!???

  4. It’s a beautiful day in Lakewood. No changes, the same old stuff to look forward too. Happy for the winners, sorry for the losers.
    Lets now move on to building an over crowded town with no where to go

  5. Congradulations to all the winners. Thanks to all of those who put their faith in me and supported me, I am very humbled by your kind words and good wishes.

    Steve Morlino

  6. Boruch Hashem.

    This is great news for New Jersey.

    People have learned from the Barack Obama fiasco, that as much as we want “change”, voting Democrat will not bring “change”. The answer is to vote in the Republican primaries for new conservative candidates.

    But never vote for a Democrat in state or national elections.

  7. Wow ! Great day for lakewood, indeed. We’ll hva e the same ols, same old for the next few yrs. Same careful spending, same prompt snow-removal.

  8. Thank you to Miss Porter in Senator Singer’s office for referring me to the Director of Educational Technology for the NJ department of Education in Trenton. This led me to Option Two, the NJ regulation which authorizes the local board of education to provide “in whole or in part . . . online education.” N.J.A.C. 6A:8-5.2i(1)(B). Students taking courses outside our physical plant are “in attendance” in accordance with local policy for full state funding. See id. at 6A:8-5.2.

    This is indeed a bright day for Lakewood.

  9. to phil meupp, sad, max, and others- why do you assume that anyone (all 5,000) who voted for those you oppose “didn’t have a clue?” I for one am offended..I did not blindly vote like a zombie; I considered the candidates and came to a different conclusion than you. Steve and especially Ray have given their all for the entire (yes entire, not just one segment of the) community. As far as taxes, ever since steve was first elected, the town has taken a hard look at reducing expenses and government worker benefits that it (we) could no longer afford, yet the cuts were made in as fair a manner as possible (i.e. more in line with but still more generous than private sector jobs). As for lowering taxes, have you noticed that contrary to past years, the tax rate has gone DOWN? I’m not saying it’s enough and is certainly still way too high but they’ve taken this in the right direction and hopefully will continue in these efforts.

  10. Thank You to Michelle Porter in Senator Singer’s office for referring me to the director of Educational Technology in the NJ Department of Education.

    This led me to Option Two allowing the 120 hours of high school credit “may be met in whole or in part . . . [through] Online learning.” N.J.A.C. 6A:8-5.1(a)2(B). The student is counted for full state funding in accordance with, “Local student attendance requirements.” Id. at 6A:8-5.1(a)3. The whole matter is left to local district policy.

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