I am humbled to share with the Jewish community a letter I recently received from the future President of the United States, Donald J. Trump. In his letter, he expressed admiration for my efforts in “saving Jewish souls” and strengthening our community, offering a heartfelt blessing: “May God continue to bless you and your family.”
Receiving such recognition from a non-Jewish leader who demonstrates genuine and unwavering love and support for the Jewish people and acknowledges the existence of Hashem is truly inspiring. President Trump’s commitment to klal Yisroel, both in America and Israel, is exceptional. No other president since the founding of the United States has shown such deep regard for the Jewish people. Despite his demanding schedule filled with campaigning and rallies, Mr. Trump took the time to write this letter, with a handwritten signature, reflecting his deep understanding and commitment to my work.
This letter, which highlights his steadfast support for klal Yisroel, should inspire all Jews—both religious and secular—who have traditionally voted for Democrats, to reconsider and vote for Trump on the 5th of November. The American people need his leadership, and the world needs him back in the White House to address the challenges that the Democrats and the Biden Administration have unleashed.
Unfortunately, the Biden Administration’s agenda is deliberately defying Hashem’s will. We are witnessing same-sex marriages, allowing the killing of unborn babies, a disregard for the law of the land, and opening borders to murderers and drug dealers which is leading to thousands of deaths from drugs and violence. This blatant disregard for morality and safety is a direct affront to the values we hold dear.
Chazal teaches in Sanhedrin 56a that the descendants of Noach, (which is technically the whole of humanity), were commanded to observe the Seven Noachide Laws, establish courts of judgment; prohibit cursing Hashem’s name; prohibit avodah zara; forbidding forbidden sexual relations; prohibit bloodshed; prohibit robbery, and eating a limb from a living animal. Disregarding these moral principles is a violation of our values, as President Reagan emphasized in 1982, highlighting the necessity of upholding these ethical standards. I mentioned this in my letter to President Trump (see below letter).
May this new year bring about the eradication of all who support and promote policies that threaten our values and future. The Rambam states in Hilchos Melachim 9:14 that a non-Jew who transgresses any of the Seven Noachide Laws is liable to the death penalty; this includes those, like the Democrat Party and other groups, who endorse such destructive actions. Let truth and justice prevail, guiding us on a path of strength and moral clarity.
May we all witness the fulfillment of what we daven for each morning in Aleinu: ‘And all mankind will invoke Your Name, to turn back to You, all the wicked of the earth. They will realize and know, all the inhabitants of the world, that to You, every knee must bend, every tongue must swear [allegiance to You]. Before You Hashem our God, they will bow and prostrate themselves, and to the glory of Your Name give honor. And they will all accept [upon themselves] the yoke of Your kingdom, and You will reign over them, soon, forever and ever. For the kingdom is Yours, and to all eternity, You will reign in glory….
Wishing you all a kesiva v’chasima tova!
Below is the letter from President Donald Trump and the letters I sent him.
July 8, 2024
To the Future President of the United States, President Donald Trump,
Enclosed is one of my most recent articles titled “The Verdict on Soon-to-be President Donald Trump.” In this article, I discuss what our great Jewish Sages of blessed memory wrote over 1500 years ago in the Talmud and how it relates to current events regarding you. I hope this will inspire you to carry on your great work of eradicating evil in America and the world, paving the way for the Jewish people to return home, welcome the Messiah, and rebuild the Third Temple.
In the article, I explained how the verdict against you was based on total falsehoods, according to my understanding and interpretation of our Rabbis of old. The article was published in the Jewish Tribune in England on Wednesday, June 26th, and in the Lakewood Scoop on Thursday, June 20th. Then, on Monday, July 1, the Supreme Court rejected the claims, aligning with my argument that the allegations were unfounded.
I also want to express my gratitude for your significant actions: moving the embassy to Jerusalem, giving the Golan Heights back to the Jewish people, and making peace between Israel and the Arab nations. Your efforts in these areas have been monumental and deeply appreciated.
May God bless you and give you strength, together with the First Lady, to continue the vital task you have been given by God: to eradicate the evil permitted by the Democrats, such as abortion, same-sex marriages, and other actions against the word of God. May true justice be served upon them and may they be removed from their positions as soon as possible, cleansing America and the world. I hope this inspires you to continue your noble work.
Yours sincerely,
Rabbi Dovid Abenson
The Verdict on Soon-to-be President Donald Trump: A Jewish Perspective. By Rabbi Dovid Abenson
August 7, 2024
To the Future President of the United States, Donald J.Trump,
I hope this letter finds you and the First Lady in good health. Enclosed is an article titled” An Open Miracle by Hashem for the World To See”.
which I recently posted in The Lakewood Scoop and published in the Jewish Tribune in England. I am sending this to provide both of you with strength and encouragement, especially in light of the recent assassination attempt on your life.
Your mission to confront and eradicate the moral decay that has taken hold in America is more critical now than ever. The forces of evil, led by certain political entities—most notably the Democrat Party—are actively working to dismantle the very fabric of our society. Their actions, which openly defy divine principles, endorse immorality, and normalize practices that are in direct opposition to God’s teachings, are a severe threat to the values that have long upheld a just and righteous society. It is clear that the Democrat Party and all those who support them harbor a deep disdain for God and the moral order He established, choosing instead to promote a godless agenda that seeks to erase the divine from the public sphere. This party, the Democrats, and all those who associate with them must be eradicated once and for all, and you, President Trump, were given that mission by God to do so.
The Seven Noahide Laws, which form the moral bedrock of humanity, are clear in their directives. They highlight the necessity of justice, the sanctity of life, and the importance of creating a world that reflects God’s will. Yet, these sacred laws—prohibiting idolatry, blasphemy, murder, theft, sexual immorality, cruelty to animals, and unjust legal systems—are being flagrantly disregarded by those who have strayed far from the path of righteousness. This erosion of moral standards has led to the widespread acceptance of behaviors that are in direct conflict with the divine commandments that have guided humanity for millennia.
Your unwavering commitment to upholding these universal principles is reminiscent of the courageous leadership demonstrated by President Reagan. In 1982, President Reagan forged a tradition of mutual encouragement with the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, who was a steadfast advocate for moral clarity and the fight against evil. This tradition, marked by Reagan’s proclamation recognizing the Rebbe’s 80th birthday as “Education Day, USA,” served as a beacon of hope and guidance in a troubled world. I trust that you, too, will draw strength from this legacy as you continue your critical work.
You have been entrusted with a sacred mission from God to uphold these timeless values and to stand firm against those who seek to undermine them. I am fully committed to supporting you in this battle. I pray that my articles and word of mouth will mobilize the religious Jewish community to rally behind you and vote in great numbers on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.
May you and the First Lady be blessed with the strength and health to carry out the vital work that has been divinely appointed to you. The future of our nation, and indeed the world, depends on it.
Yours sincerely
Rabbi Dovid Abenson
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Rabbi Abenson is the founder and director of ShaarHatalmud, a unique yeshivah-based online program, which incorporates learning all Kodesh subjects, from Kriah up to learning Gemara, Rishonim, and Shulchan Aruch. He also conducts evaluations, remediation, and training, and consults with school principals to improve students’ underdeveloped skills.
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I very much disagree with your opinion on Donald Trump. Donald Trump is the definition of moral decay. He himself has had multiple marriages because of his sexual promiscuity. He has engaged in multiple extramarital affairs.
Donald Trump is a liar and a scam artist. He pretends to be a man of religious conviction because it gets him votes. I recently saw a clip of him thanking his “wonderful Christians”. As an afterthought he threw in “I’m a Christian” with a big cheesy grin on his face. Donald Trump is the furthest thing from a Christian that there is.
I don’t know if you believe his obvious lies or you think that the end results justify the
means. I don’t think that’s such a dishonest, immoral, insincere man should be in a position of power.
You’re a disengenous Democrat. So you prefer the veep of a wife stealer, plagiarizer , party hack who enriched himself on our payroll. You prefer the veep herself,an immoral climber who traded het body favors with Willie Brown. And you prefer her choice of veep, a pervert , liar and degenerate.
Kamala/Walz support transing kids and mengele style mutilation of confused teens, Walz even signed legislation to take kids away from their parents if their parents wont trans their indoctrinated kids, crimes against humanity style evil, and you think that is better than Trump. Whatever labels you want to label Trump with and say how bad of a person he is, it doesnt come close to this kind of evil.
First of all, we’re not electing a rabbi or clergyman. For all his past foibles, It happens that Trump thanks GD at his rallies, is against the horrible woke agenda which includes erasure of genders and pronouns, is for parents’ rights of how to educate their children, is all in on family structure, is for freedom of our Constitutionally given rights- all opposed by the Democrats who want to erase religion in general.
Yes, he exeggerates , but give us ONE serious lie. The evil Democrats and media hounded him 6 years for nothing, proved nothing against him. The Demicrats own the lies.
The “Big Lie” is the false claim that the 2020 election was stolen from Done Trump and that the Republicans who affirmed Biden’s victory were part of a conspiracy to defeat their own party’s presidential candidate.
Big Lie…wasn’t that popular with Hitler and Mussolini?
Charlie, enough of you.
Actually, you’re the liar. If you vote for Kamala and the lying , pervert Walz , you are a Rodef, being that Kamala already snubbed Bibi, sighed at how she un understands the emotions of anti-Israel rioters who beat and harass Jewish students. Shame on you !
You’re the same guy who posts fearful anti Christian, anti white supremacy posts all over the Jewish blogs, but ignore Rev. Wright, Jesse Jackson and the Squad. You ignore the Jew hatred from the Dem left that promotes biolence against Jews, and which also hates America.
What a putrid , disgusting smear, not worthy of a response. I’ll only say that Donald Trump is quietly a very charitable person and I know a frum family personally whom he helped financially without fanfare Your vile diatribe will change nobody’s mind. You either vote for America to survive as a nation for at least 4 years, or for its destruction. As a parent of yeshiva children, I fear what the Democrats will do to our schools with their immoral rules and curriculum
He was convicted of stealing from his own charity.
That’s a lie.
Nope, very easy to look up. If you have the REAL internet.
He was convicted of stealing from his own charity.
Stop lying.
Who’s immoral ? Does Trump propose what VP candidate Walz proposed in Minnesota regarding boys & girls bathrooms ? It’s a pachad – you all know what is, This tamei shmutz R’L Is not fit to post on this forum.
And what about Harris ? Do you know how she climbed the political ladder ? Are you serious ?
I thought we were talking about 3 times married convicted felon and sexual molester Donald Trump. Excuse me!
Since when does being 3 times married a problem. He isnt a convicted felon nor is he a sexual molester. The judge and Jury in NYC are Trump haters, both cases should have been thrown out and if it was anybody else who they would have been, one was made up stolen from a TV episode and the other were dead maybe misdemeanors turned into felonies to get Trump.
Thank you, this needed to be said! Donald Trump is extremely immoral. He has had multiple marriages and affairs. He has cheated multiple people/businesses out of money in his business affairs. He brags about sexually assaulting women. His ego has no bounds; he believes everything he does is the biggest and the best. He has never admitted to making a mistake or being wrong. He resorts to childish name calling and taunts to anyone who does not agree with him. Donald Trump is NOT a religious or moral man. Donald Trump will say anything he believes he needs to say in order to obtain power and money. He does not care about you or I or religion. We all need to wake up and see this man for who he is.
Lying, cheating, Sodomite DevilRats are destroying this once great country. Fomenting Jew hatred, interfering in Israeli politics, demeaning all white people, releasing murderers and rapists back into our neighborhoods , and shutting down our vast energy supplies. Ignoring the beating and cursing of Jewish students and college heads praising wild protesters on campus. You decide now.
How was he insincere or dishonest ? Because an evil filthy cabal of NY DAs decided to charge him with crimes that nobody can even identify ? The IRS investigated his business for over 50 routine years and found nothing.
You’re a disgrace ! All you do is listen to the satanic lying media and believe it. Your avoda zara is the Jew hating Demonrat party.
He freed Rabbi Rubashkin.
He is anti the ideologies of the people that are way way way worse than any moral decay.
He is anti ways of life that are completly anti existance.
This doe snot mean you have to agree or hold of his character but it doe smean you need to see whats at stake before you you have 1 peson that will try to protect basic existance and you have another candidate that stands for the destruction of existance inthe for of trying to tear down any basis for Ruchnius that is possible.
But then yes seek to be a Torah jew where the mere fact that your not Woke does not make one pleasing in the eyes of Hashem but rather Harekning to Torah and Mitzvot in general and specifically is what will make be on a Path of doing what is Proper in the eyes of Hashem Like Dovid Hamelech.
But to just have tunnel vision and see only a major flaw for what it is while ignoring the other side that is ENTIRLY flawed is a big mistake.
That word salad could have come directly from Done Trump himself.
Trumps followers posting memes targeting Hillary and Harris, claiming they slept their way to the top left out a prime example of that behavior. Melania was successful in moving from girl on girl porn to the White House, due to a man she was sleeping with.
Of course, you’re the same liar who for years wrote about Trump’s Russian Collusion, discredited by 50$$ million Mueller non finding.
She never was and never will be a politician, unlike the other 2 who used their relationships to get their positions, also she modeled she didn’t do porn so stop lying, being married or having a relationship to a politician who moves up the ladder isnt the criticism, it is using that marriage or relationship to kick off your own political career that is criticized especially if that is your qualification.
“No other President since the founding….has shown such deep regard for the Jewish people.”
I beg to differ.
Teddy Roosevelt, I believe, surpassed even Trump (as of now).
When much of America was getting tired of Eastern European Jews, (described as having “Strange Customs” & “Shiftless Ways”) immigrating to America Teddy appointed Oscar Strauss as the 1st Jewish Cabinet member. He was appointed to the Department of Commerce (not because of Jews & Commerce) but because at that time Ellis Island was under Commerce which allowed many, many Jews to have an easier time immigrating here. One Yom Kippur Strauss didn’t show up in Shul. When asked later he explained he had to go to work because 7,000 Jews were about to be deported back to Russia & he had to stop it. How many American Jews are around today because of Teddy R.?
He supported a Jewish State in Palestine & always had close relations with the NY Jewish community.
When an Antisemitic Preacher was going to speak in NY Teddy arranged for all the police officers surrounding him to be Jews making the Antisemite look foolish.
He spoke out against the Pogroms.
One of the last things Teddy did before he died was to write 2 checks using his Nobel Prize money. One to a Catholic charity. The other to the Jewish War Veterans.
Trump may be a good friend & all but I still believe Teddy surpasses him in deeds.
Teddy is dead and buried.
Israel was created in 1948, and presidential promises of recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital was only kept by Trump. Now go vote for Teddy Roosevelt.
The author wrote, “No other president since THE FOUNDING OF THE US has shown such deep regard for the Jewish people.”
Nothing about dead or alive
I hold to my claim that Teddy Roosevelt did more for the Jewish people than Trump has done until now.
Yes Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem, but what affect has that really had?
How many American Jews are alive today (& more importantly how many Jews themselves &/or their offspring were not killed in the Holocaust) because of Teddy Roosevelt?
When many (including prominent) Americans thought of Eastern European Jews they thought of funny hair, funny clothes, very few having useful skills, don’t speak a “real” language, uncultured, unwesternized, & having little to no secular education. But Teddy knew better. Give these Jewish immigrants a generation or two & they’ll be contributing greatly in all areas that are important to America (& as usual Teddy was right).
Anything for a vote! And so eloquently stated by someone whose only command of the English language is adjectives to praise anyone who pats his back or name calling to those who do not back him up.
Sorry Rabbi, you obviously are not very aware of what is going on in this country. Under Trump, the GOP has gone farther and farther away from mortality. They no longer support the true definition of marriage. Trump has completely watered down their pro life position. You may want to support them because they are better than the Democrats, but they are a far way out from the party of morality, and it is because of Trump that they have become this way.
I will vote for him because he is the better of the 2 choices, but you really need to stop this idol worship
Rabbi Abenson,
Thank you. Please disregard the Trump hating propaganda from some posters, who are ubiquitous anti- Trump commenters on other blogs, rife with lies and out of context venom.
It’s a mystery why any Jew would vote for a ticket which re- supplied Iran with billion$$ which in turned armed and trained Hezbollah, Hamas and Houtis.
President Trump had bankrupted Iran , closed PLO offces , stopped funding UNRWA , the abetters of murder of Jews, whom Biden refunded and supported Israel and the Jewish people.
Seems like these anti Trump posts so far , are all by one person.
Nobody is suggesting to vote for Harris. All we are asking is for Rabbi Abenson to tone down the level of idol-worship he had for a very flawed man. “Better than Harris” does not exactly make someone an amazing person that we should fawn over. Sure, I will vote for him, will be happy when he wins. But no way would I give him this much adoration.
While it’s important to recognize that no leader is without flaws, it’s also crucial to acknowledge the support and friendship President Trump has shown toward the Jewish community. His actions have consistently demonstrated a commitment to our values and our people. Supporting him isn’t about idolizing a perfect person; it’s about ensuring that we have a leader who stands with us. In these challenging times, doing everything we can to help him get elected is not just a choice—it’s our duty.
Did you never hear of an autopen?
Thank you for sharing, Rabbi Dovid. I pray every day for President Trump’s success and the downfall of his enemies who’ve harassed him and his family for so long. The Oseh mishpat l’ashukim should protect him.
He wrote back to me 3 times during his presidency. Biden wouldnt even look at it
A vote for Harris is a vote supporting an antisemite who supports Hamas. Pls don’t sully your fingers with Jewish blood. It’s unthinkable of what happens if she chass veshalom comes in.
I don’t understand all this idol worship for such an immoral person. Sure, we will vote for him because the other choice is so much worse, but let’s not make him out to be a saint, or anything close. Trump Derangement Syndrome seems to go both ways. We need to be realistic- we are voting for him because his policies and party are less damaging to our country and values, but let’s not be blind about who he is as a person.
He was a great president for America and Israel. His energy policy was #1.
Nobody is worshipping him , only showing hakaras hatov. Jewish machers and askanim who are pushing for Democrats are destroying yiddishkeit. We can’t walk crime ridden neighborhoods snd streets, we can’t provide essential staples for our families due to inflation, we can’t speak out because we’re censored.
We don’t worship him, not sure why you think we do, he is actually a good, kind, generous person. Also saint and saintly is a wholly christian concept.
Guaranteed this anti Trump sewage is from secular, probably Reform leftie radical Yentas who are all in for progressive, WOKE, anti American, anti Israel and anti Torah values. Their female & male rabbis are all for destroying this country’s Judeo- Christian traditions. This is an Obama mob- the Obama who openly vowed to change the US.
Amazing that deranged Trump hating lunatics are supporting an immoral, child perversion, gender perversion anti religious , DEI pushing, Jew hating , communist loving, Israel hating ticket.
WOW, I hope you don’t speak for all Jewish university students. That is pretty harsh. Lunatics???
The anti Israeli riots are continuing without a word from Harris & Walz and school isn’t open yet . If elected, start packing your bags, it’s getting too close.
If Kamala gets in, it won’t stop at colleges. They’ll riot in any and all Jewish neighborhoods and get away with it. Don’t believe it ? Just remember the BLM riots in Democrat cities and how they got away with it.
The proud boys started the riots an organization of the kkk. The riots in DC. What didtrump do to stop that he said if he’s elected. He’s going to let all involved go free
Stop lying, the hamas supporting rioters are all Democrats all praised by Biden/Harris.
Always preaching separation and not understanding the point
Two words for the undecided and confused, and those who find Trump to be of bad character – SCHOOL CHOICE.
Trump does so much wrong so why do people think he’s a saviour of man kind let’s just say trump was African American. No one would vote for him. Let’s keep it real. Multiple wives. Conviction s charges for violating woman. That’s what kind of president you want to represent the people
If we’re talking about policies alone, can you name three specific things Trump did wrong? Is your issue with his mean tweets? I am more concerned about Iran, which launched the Oct 7th attack, and also fired over 300 missiles at Israel. Let’s focus on the real impact of his presidency, especially on matters that affect our safety and security.
The war between Israel and hamas. Will never end 3
There nothing wrong with being married multiple times, we arent catholics, divorce is allowed in Judaism. She got her idea from TV show episode and the Trump hating judge allowed her iditoic claims to stand despite all the descrepinsies in when she claims it happened. Whatever claims you want to make against him, he is better than the Harris/Walz who support transing kids and taking kids a way from their parents if they don’t trans them and mengele style mutilation of confused teens, that is just evil, whatever you say about Trump, he isn’t evil.