Dear Prof. Hoban, Thank you for inviting me to join a Task Force to examine Lakewood’s proportionately large expenditures for NonPublic School (NPS) students, relative to other NJ school districts.
For the reason stated below, I must respectfully decline your invitation.
Even a cursory look at the raw numbers shows that Lakewood’s large NPS expenditure is due entirely to the atypically huge, 4-to-1 NPS/PS population ratio, not found in any other NJ school district. It is this very large NPS population that generates these high federal and state NPS funding allocations. These allocations only incidentally (for streamlined administration reasons, as well as for separation of State-church reasons) flow through the District.
Plainly, Lakewood’s NPS mandatory educational entitlements are NOT at the expense of the Public School (PS) entitlements. Just as, for example, Lakewood’s NPS Free and Reduced Lunch Program entitlement flows through the District, but in no way deprives or reduces the PS program entitlement. To suggest otherwise is patently false and misleading.
On the contrary, and more importantly, absent Lakewood NPS population, there would not be a local tax base sufficient to finance the PS system. Yes, it is mostly the NPS population, (and to a lesser degree Lakewood’s senior population), which is financing the PS population’s education. All this, even while that same NPS population – by its choice – is also financing its vast, four-times larger, nonpublic school system.
These numbers and facts are NOT in dispute, and do not need to be verified by a rocket scientist, nor by a Task Force. Any objective, fair-minded person with a decent HS education can independently validate these obvious conclusions from publicly available online sources.
Therefore, to the degree that there is a “perception” otherwise, as you contend, it is rooted not in ignorance, but in prejudice. The reality is that no amount of facts, figures, evidence, discussion, and even legislation, will ever overcome such blind prejudice.
I, for one, cannot agree to join any effort or ‘discussion’ which will only lend credence, legitimize, or otherwise sanction and dignify this, or any other, prejudice.
Rabbi Meir Hertz
So true….
I am not one to scream “antisemitism”. But the blatant disregard for the facts proves Prof Hoban to be antisemitic.
Ahmadinejad of Iran created a task force to discuss whether the Holocaust was a myth. Perhaps Prof Hoban should join that task force.
Kol HaKavod Rabbi Hertz. Our detractors whose case is built on opinion certainly do not want their case undermined by facts.
Very well said Rabbi Hertz.
Where is this article by Prof Hoban?
perhaps if EVERYONE can come together on this issue we can make headway but if everyone has their own motives and agendas that will unfortunetly never happen and we wont get anywhere
Thank G_D for the task force. I hope they follow through.
thanks Rabbi Meir Hertz. i don’t know who you are, but you seem to be intelligent. future for public office????
So why all the name calling? Are we not beyond that issue? I believe that Professor Hoban was trying to gain any and all information that related to the Lakewood School District.
Taxpayers are entitled to a view of the issues and opposing views that lead to real discussion of the facts. Professor Hoban wants to separate fact from fiction.
He has called upon all communities to discuss or provide information for open and frank discussion.
Issues such as this have nothing to do with religion, NPS, PS or anything else. They are numbers.
What is each and every revenue source, what is the revenue for, and where does the revenue meet the expense line?
What are each and every expense, what are the expenses for, and what is the source of revenue for the expense?
What is the percentage breakdown of administrative vs classroom revenue/expenses?
What is the full transportation revenue stream and expense, what is the gap., and why is the gap necessary?
What is the full expense for special education, and what is the revenue stream and the target for the revenue?
How many classified children are receiving the services prescribed by law, and at what expense? Is there an alternate service to help reduce expenses?
How many classified children are not receiving the services prescribed by law.
This is simply a financial analysis of the inner workings and financial policy of a school district. Any school district!
Everything should be aired in the sunlight. The numbers picked through, and an honest assessment and determination made as to how the Lakewood School District can be improved so that all students can benefit.
I also ask that the conversation be civil, without name calling.
What about the Holy Family Catholic school? Do they receive funding, is it on par with other private schools? Would Mr. Hoban also be considered anti Christian? I don’t think he is anti anything except government overspending. He is only looking to see if the budget can be better controlled. Why not work with him on this? You are a part of this town also. Don’t you pay taxes? Or is someone hiding something?
I ‘ve always said what Rabbi Hertz is now stating. What if we closed down all the Non Public Schools an registered our 20,000 children in Public School? What would happen then?
The holy family catholic school is a private school and therefore receives services just like any other private school in this town. They can choose the vendors that they want.
When I was younger during the 1980’s and early 1990’s, the Lakwood Township would yearly mail out a complete breakdown of all the local departments finances and tax revenue.
There in absolutley nothing wrong with the tax paying public being able to review how their hard earned tax money is being best used.
in fact, Lakewood should have an independent audit yearly, because of so much confusion.
#10 My Take..Stop threatening. I hear the same comment all the time. What if we register or children for Public School..blah blah blah. First of all you know you will never do it so knock it off. If you would like to though, go right ahead, you’re more than welcome.
Holy Family School does not receive the same benefits nor services as other private schools in lakewood. In fact they are the only single catholic school in lakewood compared to the 150+ “other private schools”. How sad is that! So you tell me where the $$$$ is going? Do the math 150 schools at non-exempt for taxes?
Holy family uses Catupult. My child got speech initially and service was wonderful. Later in the yr she was referred to CST and they did a through evaluation. I was very impressed even though she was not eligible. Perhaps that is why many non public schools do not want to use catulput because they dont just classify.
To My Take says.
If all students in the Lakewood School District enrolled and attended Public Schools, the district would be much improved. We would receive much improved funding from the State and Federal sources.
The religious communities could save some of the cost of tuition, and redirect it to religious instruction.
It would stop the battle surrounding funding, and education achievement would be monitored, in accordance with federal guidelines re (no child left behind).
It would balance out the enrollment and new, better, larger schools would be needed.
Public education would be enhanced, and religious instruction could be an after school activity. A secular education would not diminish religious education, and it would prepare students for a more
multicultural experience.
Of course the limitations are that a religious education is imperative for the children of religious people.
Religious communities have always put great pride in providing the type of instruction that is needed for life. It is a combination of studies for the whole child, to enhance their preparation for adulthood. I understand this, and so do you.
In the past, we’ve seen the schools overspend by millions of dollars and the State had to bail us out. We’ve seen the administrators fail to comply with tax laws and get penalized hundreds of thousands of dollars by the IRS We’ve seen bus companies not complying with their contracts and leaving children standing on street corners. We’ve seen the children not having heat because they failed to pay the oil companies. We’ve seen bathrooms without toilet paper and soap. Considering the millions of dollars being spent on education, a review of expenditures is necessary and warranted. Pro. Hoban’s study may point out positive and negative uses of our tax dollars which will benefit both NPS/PS children. There should be nothing to hide.
We The People want to see an independent audit now of Lakewood Township finances!
Mr Hobday- I commend you for your insight into this matter. Its a shame that most do not see it the way that it should be.