By Mrs. Alana (Goldner) Mutterperl. A woman called her husband yesterday frantic that she just noticed her diamond had fallen out of her ring. She went over a list of places that she had been that day. At the end of the list was Kosher Village. So her husband ran over there to try to find this missing diamond.
After searching down each and every aisle, back and forth, under the shelves, etc., the husband realized that this is not going to be an easy search. He went to the owner of Kosher Village and to all the cashiers desperate for their help in locating this precious stone.
As he was looking through the aisles, he bumped into his friend, my brother, Avi Goldner. They helped set up Yad Baruch named for my father z”l. They spoke for a few minutes, as he tried to explain to
my brother what had happened and why he was there.
Desperate for any help, he asked my brother for a bracha (maybe the week of R’ Baruch’s first yarzteit would be a segula!) So Avi gave him a bracha that he should be successful in finding the diamond and that he should give some tzedaka!
After looking for a long time, he just gave up. There is no way he would ever find such a small item in such a vast amount of space. He went again to the owner of Kosher Village and gave him some tzedaka
for Yad Baruch that he had owed.
He left the store very distraught and discouraged, but decided to do one more search in the parking lot near where his wife had parked.
After a few minutes of tedious searching- he saw something very shiny in the pavement of the parking lot–it was his wife’s DIAMOND!!! Not 10 minutes after he had just given tzedaka for his friend’s fund, he found the needle in the haystack! He ran into the store ecstatic about what had just occurred! The workers were all in shock and very happy for the man!
All he could think is that R’ Baruch is STILL watching and helping people a year after he left us.
Alana (Goldner) Mutterperl
what a beautiful story. thanx for posting it.
The truth is that your father was the true diamond!
I was there when this happened. U couldnt belive the screams that arupted when he found the diamond.
Our children all new mr goldner as the man with the funny ties at the cashier. We miss his smile and his always friendly greeting.
Great Story. Do yoursef a favor. Buy insurance. For $100 a year, you could relax. If its stolen or lost (or even damaged) you can file a claim and get a check. My wife’s diamond chipped and we received a check for $3100
If anyone has any maaser money, please give to this very worthy cause, Yad Baruch, where all the funds go directly to almonos and yesomim just as Mr. Goldner always did.
bederech remez
perhaps mr goldner o’h who always collected tzedoka by chasunas at which a chosson gives his wife a ring to betroth her was once again able to help this couple reunite with their missing ring
Reb Bruce was a special and unique yid. We miss him. I always tried to use the register that he was manning as he always had somthing interesting and worthhile to say. Yehi Zichro Baruch.
R’ Bruce Z”LYou will always b missed!! Your friendly smiles & Shalom aleichems were out of this world!!
add it on to our homeowners & it will be much lower than $100.00. $5,000.00 is about $20.00 on my policy. no deductible since it is listed.
actually it is even covered on the basic policy with a deductible.
Lost mine in front of my home on the lawn. Never found it. I know it’s just a “thing”; and, thank God, not a person; however, it took me a long time to get over that. So glad this story had a happy ending!
This belongs in one of those inspiring sshort story books. Aslo tls should have more of these kind of stories posted. This story also made me put my hand in my pocket more than usual since I have read it. Thank you.
he was a true diamond !
I’m surprised Chaveirim wasn’t called….
Eloka D’Bruce Aneinee, Eloka D’Bruce Aneinee, Eloka D’Bruce Aneinee
R’ Avi takes after his father in all senses of the word. I would take a Brocha from him any day. Anyone who was at the parlor meeting sunday night saw what a special person he is – just like his father zt”l
our shul dinner this sunday will be , in part, in memory of bruce—and the wonderful way in which he lived his life—he was intense—we was funny–he was always thinking of ways to improve the lives of those less fortunate—he was a man we were privileged to call “friend”—-may his family continue to hear all that he was to so many
R bruce was always the one at the register smiling and making you feel like a million dollasrs. He was the one always saying good morning. i am @ kosher village almost e/y day and i feel something missing. R bruce was a man that we can all learn from. his presence is greatly missed.
I knew R’ Bruce; I know R’ Avi. I just read this story. Why am I not surprised ? Dudi B.
I am witness to what happened at kosher village! There is more to the story than was told! The gentleman who came in looking for the diamond was none other than the one who put the effort to have the new beautiful pushkas (charity boxes) made for ” yad baruch ” “R’ BRUCE’S tzedakah orgnization He worked on them very long hours until they were done! This is besides the many times he went to visit R’ BRUCE A”H at the hospital & at home & cheered him up & helped organize the great “yad boruch” tzedakah fund! R’ BRUCE came to bat & came thru for him in the clutch! Hashem says you take care of my kids i will take of yours! This is one of the greatest mitzvos to misamech families who need the chizuk the most! R” bruce is not resting so why should we?
Thank you for that elaboration on who this special man was that lost the diamond. If anyone deserved to have something special done for them, it was him. That’s exactly why he gave permission for his story to be publicized–to show how special R’ Bruce Z”L was and how he is taking care of those who showed him the greatest kindness.
anytime i walked into Kosher villiage he was always the first one to greet me with a very warm smile. A real special person!!
TLS – please post more stories such as this. It is such a nice change from all the negative news. I think it also helps people to appreciate what ‘s important in life especially when we do good things for our fellow man.
“Amar Rebbe Binyomin, Hakol Bchezkas Sumin Ad Shehakdosh Baruch Hu Maer es Anayhem.” If you are missing something, say this. It is proven to work time and time again.
Bruce, you did a great job supporting Orphans and widows.
Best, Josh