To the Lakewood Kehilla and beyond,
I am a close neighbor of an older couple that is in dire financial straits. A few of us have gotten together to do what we can to help, but we still need more to get them over the hump, so we got together to put this request on The Chesed Fund.
So as not to embarrass the family we are not posting their names.
Last year, the husband’s small business had to close because of Covid-19 and related fallout.
The family has thus far been able to cover their mortgage and bills, but their credit cards are maxed out. They have very limited income so we are trying our best to help. The local shuls have helped out, but it has not been enough.
The husband has been looking for work since last year but keeps getting
nowhere, likely because of his age. They have applied for SNAP and been denied and rely on Meals on Wheels and Bikur Cholim for food.
We are hoping to raise around 10-15 thousand dollars to address their immediate needs and help keep them afloat for a few months until, G-d
willing, he will find a job and be able to support himself.
Please give what you are able to help this needy family get back on its feet.
In that merit, may Hashem bless you with only good.
Thank you.
This cause is validated and endorsed by:
Rabbi Hillel Danziger
Rabbi Dovid Gabay