A Heartfelt Letter from the Previous Gabbai of The Sanz Klausenberg Rebbe Zt”l


I hope this message finds you well.

There are no words to thank Hashem for all the kindness He does for us and for everyone in general and in particular.

As you know I was in critical condition from the corona.

Thanks to your prayers and the faithful messengers of Laniado Hospital I am here with you today. As the Gabbai of the Rebbe when he was alive, I was saved in the same hospital he established.

With great pride, I stand here today on the decision to establish 24 of the most sophisticated intensive care units for the benefit of our brothers in the Eretz Yisroel.

I ask you to be partners with me for this noble and important goal.

Please click on the link and donate as a zchus for you and your family.

As it is known from the hospital’s founder, the Rebbe from Sanz ZTL, who wrote in his will “Any chance I have in Olam Haemes, I will recommend for their benefit and all their families.”

A Freilichin Chanukah,
With love and respect,
Rabbi Ephraim Reich

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