Purim 2010 Around Lakewood

PHOTOS: Below are some the photos of Purim from around town, submitted by our readers. Until tonight, send in your photos to [email protected] and we’ll add it to our Purim album for all to see! (We keep adding photos, so come back later!)

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  1. Stop wasting OUR money on you stupid limo. Very nice if you have one but spend your money. An average group that goes collecting in a limo does not make more then $1500 if they are lucky. A limo cost minimum $150-175 an hour. Times 5 hours that $750, so half of mine and your money goes for transportation!! This is why I dnt give money on purim. You are better off to mail in a check.

  2. Mr. Lakewood: what makes you say “wild kids”? Were they different from any other lebidige group that came by on purim to collect tzedakah?

  3. #6,
    So wh did you send the check to? Which office? If you give it to the boys, at least 1/2 of your money will go to tzedakah, if you chase the boys out of your house, what’s the ‘mechyev’ to send in the check?

  4. The idea of the LIMO was born simply as an incentive to the bochurim to go raise funds for their schools on purim..its just a push, as not every bochur would be too excited to go out the whole night and day collecting..but some will actually get excited if there’s a Limo involved.

  5. A limo actually costs around 45-60 bucks a hour. In most cases it is cheaper than hiring a school bus. Bottom line if you dont know what your talking about dont criticize.

  6. Please do not post pics of people hanging. I does not show respect for the rest of the town. A few years ago on Halloween I had a body hanging from a rope just like you show. The police came to my house and made me take it down. They told me it was offending the neighbors.

  7. This year my yeshiva hired limo’s cuz vans, suburbans and busses are more expensive and cars are too small, LIMO”S ARE CHEAPER!

  8. oy yoy yoy! purim, a holy day when the gates of heaven are open for prayer and good deeds! tshuva tfilla and tzedaka deestroy bad decrees! dont think too much into it, give tzedaka and do good deeds, whatver it goes to it ends up as a good deed. moshiach is coming.. we dont have time to analyze and judge everyone else!! keep smiling and doing mitzvos and maasim tovim and bring moshiach achshav!!

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