A Desperate Bride’s Plea For Assistance

Chana Haberman is 21 years old and due to get married this week.

Unfortunately, the family is extremely poor. 

The father – Mordechai Haberman, had to have his leg amputated as a result of diabetes and is no longer able to be the family breadwinner. 

Chana is the fourth of ten children, and though their mother, Leah works incredibly hard, her income is already stretched extremely thin over the family’s basic expenses.

Chana has increased the hours she works as a cashier in a grocery store in an attempt to help cover her wedding costs. After going from one wedding gemach to the next, however, she has realized that her meager salary is not going to be anywhere near enough to pay for even the most basic wedding.

She, therefore, turned to us, explaining through tears that she desperately needs help if she is actually going to get married in a few days’ time. 

Please do your best to help this bride who works so hard to help her parents and deserves a normal, joyous wedding.

Help Chana get married!

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