‘9 & Dine’ – Republican Party Holds Golf & Dinner Fundraiser

EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS & VIDEO: The Republican Party this afternoon held a ‘9 & Dine’ Golf and Dinner fundraiser for Republican Candidates Committeeman Steven Langert and running mate Hal Halvorsen. The event – which took place at the Eagles Ridge Golf Club – was attended by Senator Bob Singer, former Mayor Richard (Dick) Work, Committeeman Isaac Akerman, Captain Mark Segal and other Republican officials and businessman.

The attendees played nine holes of golf, before sitting down to dinner at the Clubhouse. Kosher food was provided by Captain Segal.

The three winners of the game were each awarded with a gift card.

Langert and Halvorsen are running for the two seats on the Township Committee, and will be facing Committeeman Ray Coles and Moshe Raitzik.

Elections are November 8.

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  1. The fantastic food was provided by TASTY EXPRESS/Chef Shmuel Schwinger which is under KCL Hashgacha. R’ Schwinger’s culinary delights were awesome!

  2. Of course there are no comments. What can you say about (moderated) who have plenty of time for golf outings while everyone else is (moderated) just to make ends meet.

  3. Get a life people, these good men are working hard for the benefit of all of us and its such a shame that so many people stick their nose up at authority having a bit of fun. Al todin es chaveiro ad shetagia limekomo, which makes me think I smell jealousy!!
    And as a customer of tasty i think they make some pretty good food 🙂 just saying!

  4. seriously people back off, there not doing ne thing out of the normal wen people talk bussiness and/or disscuss things its the norm to do it over a game of gulf, there running our town fine , dont make them crazy bout havin a fun time now and then let them do there jobs and if this is part of it then so be it….great food

  5. Let’s be clear. This is NOT paid by taxpayers. I’m sure the food did not cost anywhere near Lady Michelle ‘s menu du vacation for her entire entourage or the Pelosi sky-high palate whims (even at 30,000 feet). We all know that was not airplane food or drink. How about the AWOL Golf of Obama, ALL of which IS 100% paid by taxpayers. These guys need our support (as does every candidate).

    I’m sure the investment will reap a much better bang for the buck for Lakewood than the Casinos on Wall Street and their ilk et al.

    I wish them both the ultimate success. I’m not dissing the other candidates, we have a two party system and there are good and bad elephants and donkeys in the National zoo. At this time I think golfing elephants deserve as many peanuts as they can raise in Lakewood.

    I wish them great success.

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