77% Of Republicans In NJ Believe Trump Won

A new poll commissioned by Project Ready shows that a large majority of Republicans in the Garden State believe that President Trump is the rightful winner of the 2020 presidential election. 

The poll, first reported by the New Jersey Globe, found that 77% of Republicans think Trump won, with just 11% saying Biden won. Among Democrats, 99% believe that Biden was victorious.

Joe Biden won New Jersey and its 14 electoral votes 57% to 41%, and the state has already certified the results for the Democrat.

Republicans are still fighting to overturn the results of the November 3rd election, with a possibly significant lawsuit by Texas against swing states for using the pandemic to skirt election laws – likely Trump’s last chance to overturn the election – filed with the US Supreme Court.

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    • It does matter, because the judges will sadly vote on the outcome which they think will be more publicly accepted.

      Here’s the breakdown.
      if you watch MSM = Biden Won, No Fraud at all
      if you live in Reality = Well over 50% of the population knows it was a stolen election…

      Thank you TLS for posting

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