Seven month old Refael Yisroel Meir Ben Sara Gittel is ‘still very critical’ in CHOP’s ICU, a family member tells TLS. The family is requesting that the community take a moment to say a Kapittel of Tehillim on his behalf for a speedy recovery. As of last night, there were no additional cases reported, Dr. Shanik tells TLS.
il say 1-5 included
Time to storm the Heavens, people.
I will say 6 through 10 included.
i will do 11-15 included.
I will say 11 through 15 included.
16-20 included
21-25 included
26-40 incl
I’ll do 26-27
41-45 inc
26-30 included
46-50 inc.
I’ll do 46 and 47
52-55 inc.
I will say 1 thru 3
I will say 56-60 inc.
61-65 incl
I will say 61-65 inc
70-75 inclusive
76 to 80 inc
76-85 inclusive
Im in for 75-80
i said 76 and 77
i’ll say 80-90
I’ll say 119
Just finished 91-100 inclusive. Want to point out that its very important that whenever one says he will do a good dead he add that its bli neder as otherwise its considered a neder-vow which is a trully scary thing.
66 thru 69
say a prayer
103-110 included,
103-110 included, bli neder
This is a TRUE EMERGENCY – Let us storm the heavens and beg for Rephael Yisroel Meir ben Sora Gittel, this poor innocent baby on an EKMO machine from a house of true bnei torah and mesiras nefesh.
I will say 103-118 incl – THAT MEANS only 120-150 is open
I said 103-110 so you can take 11-118 plus more if you’d like.
They are a very special family, I know them personally. We should hear yeshuos and refuos.
sorry ill take 119 – 125 inluded tizku lmitzvos
ill say 126-136
thats so sad i will pray for this baby!!!!
mi keamcha yisroel
hi, is there an update on this baby?
Any updates??? Can’t find anything!