This past Sunday night, 7 Teves, marked the 6th Yahrtzeit of R’ Yechezkel Golombeck Z’L, noted Ba’al Chesed and owner of the Lakewood Hatbox Store, who suddenly passed away at the tender age of 28. R’ Yechezkel was from the first handful of residents in Raintree, a community that today is home to almost 200 Frum Mishpachos, several Shuls and various Yeshivos.
The Yahrtzeit was marked by a siyum in the Raintree Shul, Khal Yaakov Akiva, and attended by his Chaveirim and neighbors. R’ Reuven Braun, a Raintree pioneer, was Mesayem Seder Moed.
He is sorely missed. Yehi Zichro Baruch.
what a special person ,with a special golden heart.
We were lucky to have him in our midst!
Reuven Braun is great. He finished Shas more than once and is a true role model for a Torahdik Bal habos.
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