Five new Lakewood Hatzolah members were added to the organization this week.
The members, from all different areas around Lakewood, serve as observer units for some time before going solo.
The members are: Menachem Kavolenko, Shlomo Levy, Yitzchok Meyer, Shlomo Milworm and Aaron Mueller.
Hatzolah now consists of nearly 70 members, including over a dozen paramedics.
R Aaron Mueller is a real Bal Chesed and his life is dedicated to helping others. Welcome to the team. And much hatzlacha to R’ Aaron and the rest of the new members.
more power to u hatzolo. good to know u r there.
Hatzlacha Rabbah!
Amazing sol levy ! Hatzlacha Rabba!
Mazel Tov Sol Di Dol. It was worth the wait and keep up the great work…
Kol hakovod to all you guy’s your all amazing it’s unbelievable how much you give up to help others hstzlacha
wonderful news Bh
Once again, a big, HUGE Yasher Koach to Murun HaGaon HaTzaddom HoRav R’ Avrum Waxman, Shlit”a, the executive director of Hatzolah. He works tirelessly to raise the necessary funds for Hatzolah. It costs around $5,000 to equip each new volunteer and he raises it. Thanx, Rabbi Waxman for all that u do for the Klal. Hatzlocha to all the new Vols, especially Menachem Kovalenko, who’s a great guy and is right in my backyard in Coventry Square.
Jog a thon, I agree with you 100% about Rabbi Avraham Waxman, but he is the Fundraiser for Hatzolah not the Executive Director. Whatever it is he is an unbelievable person who gives is life away for Hatzolah. Kudos to him!!!
Welcome to the team of our Lakewood Tzadikim Good to have you aboard but BEI EZRAH HASHEM we shouldnt need you but just the same its good to know you are there 24/7. I know there are a lot of women working behind the scene 24 hours a day, Lets not forget about them. Good Shabbos and thank you.
Congratulations to Shlomo Milworm. Your life is full of chesed and devotion. Congrats to Lakewood Hatzoloh for getting such a great volunteer as a member. Shlomo wishing you continued Hatzlocha as the Lakewood oilom appreciates ur contribution.
mazal to to manachem L131 @ 131 you deserve it, it may you be shaliac tov.