Three local Republicans are vying for two spots during the upcoming Primary Elections next week.
Running in the Primaries, are Republican Committeeman Steven Langert – who is running for reelection together with running mate Mike D’Elia, and newcomer and current Board of Education member Joel Schwartz.
The winners of the Primaries will face two Democrats in the General Elections – longtime Committeeman Ray Coles, and running mate Moshe Raitzik.
You can submit questions for Joel Schwartz by emailing him at [email protected]. Questions and answers may be featured afterwards on TLS.
Elections are Tuesday, June 3.
This is the same old regurgitation of candidates. Are there never open debates? Anyone with new or intelligent ideas regarding successful urban planning, etc? Overbuilding is through the roof yet there are always cries of no money. New candidates are not really new as they are hand picked by the incumbents. The musical chairs of the same old names singing the same song of limited funds while ratables are through the roof is not really a democracy worthy of an election at all. It’s a farce.
Reply to T
I watched joel Schwartz when he sat on the zoning board , he was one of the only members that said the truth and stood up against the radical developments. I think that’s why they didn’t reappoint him. Because he said it the way he saw it!! He’s got my vote
Question : why would anyone vote for an incumbant ? Besides for excellent co-operation from LPD when it comes to Hachnosas Sefer Torah or ch”v a levaya, what part of ur life has gone up in satisfaction w/ local gov’t in the last 3 yrs. the only thing that went up is our taxes.
Time to vote out the old and take a chance with the new. I don’t know who is at fault but the congestion is horrible, taxes are up and services are going down. Elected officials need to remember who gives them their power. I won’t out right accuse anyone but something does not add up with all the variances given, the large construction projects and virtually no new infastrucutre.