[IMPORTANT LINKSTRACK STORM — Urgent Video Message From Police Chief Rob Lawson — Red Cross (1) — Red Cross (2) — Safety Checklist — UPDATED STORM INFO FROM CHIEF LAWSON 3:15 PM — YOUR PHOTOS. 

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  1. I know we like to shield ourselves from TV, Radio and Internet, but sometimes it is to our disadvantage. I was doing shabbos shopping last night. Some guy was upset because all of the challah was gona. He was complaining to me how his shabbos would be ruined. He then noticed 12 bottles of water in my cart:

    “Why are you buying so much water?”

    “For the hurricane!”

    “You mean the earthquake we felt last week?”

    “No, Hurricane Irene is coming, possibly the worst storm in NJ in 100 years”

    “oh, had no idea, tsk tsk, I guess I have to go to the other location to see if they still have challah, good shabbos!”

    p.s, he left without purchasing any water.

  2. His wife, friend, chevrua, mother-in-law will tell him about the storm. I told my husband about it, and he didn’t take me seriously. But then in Yeshiva other people told him about it, and he started to take it seriously. (It’s not just a lack of radio, it’s we’ve heard this so many times. How do we know when to take it seriously.)

  3. Some people just aren’t aware of what’s going on around them. I think the township should send out cars with loudspeakers to alert everyone of the impending storm and of the precautions they should take, early enough to prepare, for those who don’t tune in to radio, internet etc.

  4. I am think the guy shopping for Challah in post#1 was correct. The people who foolishly listen to the media get all worked up about the sensationalized reports.
    Everytime it snows a few inches or we have above average rain the media makes it sound like the world’s biggest catastrophe…

    When was the last time someone actually gained from listening to all these overblown scary reports???

    The sheltered people have happier and more successful lives!

  5. i am really scared but they say that the winds went down to 80 mph all though it is still very dangerous

    why is everybody buying so much water can anybody tell me?????

  6. Just a refernce, I was in Europe this past week and somebody asked me, “so how did your family survive the earthquake” (or something to that effect). To which I answered, I just spoke to my wife a couple of hours ago and she didn’t even mention anything about it.

    After that kind of experience with the media overblowing everything, I am not inclined to take things that seriuosly.

    (But I did cancel my family trip to the park on Sunday :-))

  7. When power is lost, we can also lose water, for days. As a rule, you should have 1 gallon of water, per person, per day, for at least 3 days. Preferably 7 days

  8. I once spoke to a guy who hadn’t heard of Obama, the week of the election, 2 years ago. I thought to myself…. how lucky is this guy, that he can toil in learning and block himself off from all the mundane dealings of everyday life, yet be a fully functioning member of society..

    There are a lot of benefits from keeping your head in the gemorah..if we don’t we should at least appreciate one who does.

  9. I once met a guy who had no idea how to read, write, talk, drive, cook, or frankly, do anything, except cry like a baby. Actually it was my baby.

    So sheltered. So oblivious. So happy.

    If we would all be babies, we would be so happy. Ignorance is bliss.


  10. I once spoke to someone who had no idea that there were speed limits on the Garden State Parkway. He never worried about the police stopping him on the highway, he lived such a stress-free life!

    If only more of us would stick our heads in the sand, we would have less stress.


  11. wow when this storm blows through we`re gonna get nockenzen downzen with der blowzin en wetzen, the trees will be afloppin und the floorzen.

  12. to # 18

    Water may not be running because not every neighborhoods water pressure comes from gravity fed water towers, some come from underground electric powered pumping stations. If the power goes out the pumps may not work.

  13. if klal yisroel had only started doing teshuva when 7 tzaddikim left this world in a matter of 5 WEEKS & gotten the message from Hashem.
    we would not need an earthquake & a hurricane to bring us to teshuva

    START DOING TESHUVA NOW BEFORE MORE TRAGEDY STRIKES R”L its up to all of us to prevent more tzaros from happening. we are causing it to ourselves & giving Hashem no choice.

    Hashem loves every single yid-tzaddik or russia alike-& is waiting for our teshuva to begin.

  14. tie down your garbage cans with strong rope or wire and yea where a are the shelters… ps a few gas stations are already out of gas!

  15. (Your hot water heater holds 40 gallons – there’s no need to hoard water, turn off the heater and drain the tank should it come to that.)

  16. BREAKING NEWS! Obama has just announced that Irene will not and was never expected to happen! It is his only way to get the economy going again! STIMULUS PACKAGE IRENE!!!

  17. All I can say is Wow! To all these comments. Sheltered I must laugh because obviously people making these posts on here have Internet of some sort. This is the very reason why Lakewood is always a distaster area and things can’t get done properly because people fail to inform themselves and make informed decisions.

  18. some really foolish comments posted here, in this day and age not be informed about what is taking place in the world arrouund you is hard to believe. For those who are not taking this seriously you are putting your life at risk , you should always hope for the best and prepare for the worst !!!

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