VIDEO: A pricey Greyhound dog called in to LCSW missing 3 weeks ago, turned up this morning at LCSW’s Headquarters. On September 6, the owner, from Union, NJ, was staying with family in the area of Brookhill, when the pet went missing. The owner called LCSW to try and locate the dog, and despite several units canvassing the area for the pricey dog, they turned up empty handed.
This morning however, LCSW’s Director was pleasantly surprised when he got to the LCSW office on Lakewood New Egypt Road, and found the emaciated dog laying in the grass.
The Director had saved the owner’s phone number and attempted to reach the owner of the dog, but when he couldn’t get through, called for Animal Control instead.
The dog will be held at a facility until the owner could pick it up. TLS-MK
wow!!!!!!!!!!!!! lcsw is really pickin up
yippy yay
reb shraga, my 10 year old lost his seat in cheder because I’m unemployed. could you speak to the menahel so he doesn’t have to sit at home any more (no joke)
thank you LCSW for finding this beautiful dog. Was this a rescue dog? these greyhound dogs all the do is race and have pups when the of no use they are tossed, these rescue groups do a great job, I am so glad the owner has this dog home, and of course a shout out to kevin, you rock
Just one question. How did the dog know to go to the LCSW’s headquarters?
I feel your pain. My 5 year old has been refused entry into every school because my wife wears a snood instead of a wig, i wear jeans during the week, and my daughter knew who Barney was. She is now enrolled at the preschool of a nearby conservative shul and we are looking at moving to another community. Clearly lakewood is not for “all”. It is only for those who meet a certain standard and fit a certain mold, including ability to pay.
Comes to show who runs things in this world…out of all places and all the way from brookhill area. to end up at LCSW office..thats just my thought!
To #6: I am not trying to be rude but…
Part of the Laws of Tznius mean dressing like the rest of the community. The “definition” of tznius (besides what’s written in Halacha straight out) means NOT drawing attention to yourself. So if nobody in a community wears snoods then you shouldn’t wear snoods, if nobody wears jeans then you shouldn’t wear jeans etc… You are NOT supposed/allowed to be different from the Tzibbur.
My wife and I are both from “out of town”, but when we moved to Lakewood we understood that some things would not be the exact same as where we were coming from and we understood that we would have to adhere to what Lakewood stands for (that’s a good thing!).
p.s. How do you expect schools to stay open if they allow students free admission? I understand that these kids and their parents are in a terrible situation. But you can’t blame the schools who can’t afford “free admission”.
To #6
you may want to check into one of the Shalom schools. the teachers are from Lakewood but not judgemental.
There is a bus that goes from Lakewood.
Free advice is worth every penny you paid for it!
to #’s 3,6,8,9 you are all talking about nothing that has to do with this dog. you should go else where and complain.
Can’t believe it! I saw this dog yesterday on Gudz just after I dropped my son off at Yeshiva Bais Pinchas
to #10
No, I think that this is exactly where to write about money and schools.
Maybe someone out there has another $3,000 dog to donate to the school to pay for this person’s tuition?
What would we do with out LCSW just unbelievable! not only is this not worthy to be a news report, its totally pathetic!!
num 6 ur totally right num ur 8 100 percent wrong
genius dog knew where the LCSW headquarters are!
to #14: you are correct in stating that #6 is correct… he is correct by moving.
It’s as simple as… if you don’t like the way a city is operated… go live somewhere else. There are several Jewish communities to choose from. Don’t move to a city and then complain how things are done.
It doesn’t make any sense to me… Why would someone live where they aren’t happy?
..sorry I forgot. to #14: I can’t be 100% wrong as some of the stuff I wrote is from our leading “poskim”.
Maybe I’m 60-90% wrong? 🙂
#6 ,If your childs education means so much to you and your wife,why dont you just give up on wearing the jeans and Barney -even if you do not agree with it. your child is surly more important than Barney ????
theres a big diff in halacha and chumras think abt the commenty b4 u comment its a very sharp line
What does a lost dog have to do with a child going to school? Also what is so terrible about a child knowing something about Barney?
very important story to publish…..
lovely video… especially the closeups
I’m not mekabel! Two?! days b4 Rosh Hashana and all we can do is speak lh about the klal? No one has any clue the background details… blame it on unemployment… plenty of ppl have not a penny, yet a cheder for their children. I don’t know, now isn’t a time to speak lh. If there really is a problem, there are tons of amazing people in this community who can help you.
your all …..nuts…..get a life………..
this is about someones dear pet, who has been running around the town starving half to death. poor dog should have been found by someone who would have cared for him, not made him a freak show. you should all be real proud.
thank you Lakewood Scoop for reporting this.
Enough of these comments already. Please end this story on a positive story, not senseless comments,
This story has gotten way off track the main focus should be that the lcsw is a great organization for Lakewood to have it’s a good thing that Lakewood shomrim had prior info on the lost pet and knew what to do when it was found the community should put more support Into the lcsw it’s become a huge public safety asset wether you like it or not
to #12 your wrong, this is a story about a dog, not somebodys child who has no school to go to
If a woman’s hair is covered properly by a snood, I don’t think that would be a criteria for not admitting a child to school. However there are women whose snoods do not cover their hair properly and the rest of their attire also leaves something to be desired. So maybe it’s not just the snood that is the problem.
rebbi pinter thanks it was a big kiddush hasham
Perhaps TLS can have a special “venting” page; or “coffee room” style forum. Granted that there are issues that people wish to discuss. But how on earth did these posts segway from greyhounds to snoods and jeans!?! Let’s stick to the topic, please, and use other articles to vent your respective issues. A gut yuhr to all; may those that need parnassah find it soon; may those that need health get well soon; may those that wish to have their children in school have hatzlacha soon; and may those that enjoy owning greyhounds, well, I’ll see you at the track.
To #3- if it’s true that you’re child is out of school, please post the name of the school & I’ll really really try to get him back in Immediately!!
Someone please explain to me how a story about a dog morphed into a diatribe against school admissions policies? What has one got to do with the other?
to momma, i agree with you, this is so unbelieveable, and to #30 I like you idea of a page that is just for venting about all this other stuff that has nothing to do with a dog