3 Primary Girls Without A School On Day School Starts

UPDATED: Three girls are left without a school the day where all local girls schools have returned for the new school year. Sources tell TLS, the three Litvishe girls are the few remaining girls from several other dozen girls who were without a school up until a few days ago.

As earlier reported, immediately after Pesach, there were approximately 80 primary girls which were without a school, but at least 10 of them had an option to go to a school not of their choice.

Askonim say they are hopeful that the remaining girls will be placed by this evening. TLS-MK.

UPDATE Thursday 10:30 AM: Sources say that at this time there is just one girls remaining without a school.

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  1. i have a friend who son was suppose to go to primary last year. he didn’t get into a school and was home the whole year. now the next year has started and he still is not in school. the very schools that we are suppose to send our children to give you such a hard time getting in. these poor children are suffering because the principals. if they would only see what damage they are doing to these children. something has to be done now because this problem is only going to get worse and soon we will have children going off because they feel rejected.

  2. Why did we start school? the schools should not have started until all is placed,its so not fair for the girls who does not have a place yet

  3. My friend’s son is not in school yet either.
    What happened to the rule, school stays closed until everyone is placed?
    The pain and embarassment people have to endure is inexcusable for anoyone, but especially here in Lakewood, (moderated).

  4. top whining, just open your own school like the chasidasha boys mosod that started this year. Its not the principals fault the classes are bursting at the seams with thirty kids in a class on average. Which brings up another point why in heavens name do you want to push your kid in to a class of 30 kids. Go to the smaller “less popular” schools there your child will get a lot more time and attention. And grow up to be wonderful actie members of Klall Yisroel!

  5. These girls are nebach home because the family is poor and can’t afford tuition, its a himelgesrie. Is this fair? How dare a jewish child can’t go to school because her family is broke, I’m in tears

  6. i think the fact that the vaad pushes more and more kids into schools is part of the problem. why not rather have the vaad encourage more schools to open, or existing schools to add more paralels. why not creat competitinon between the schools who could take more and more kids. i believe this is rabbi (moderated) position as well.

  7. Or, why not stop the forced placement of siblings into older siblings schools. How many times have we heard that siblings get accepted first and then there are only 5 or 10 spots left? What if I don’t want to send my next daughter to the same school my older daughter is in?

  8. why r u only talking abt the girls…. There r boys who aren’t in primary yet! My best friends son, does not have a primary to go to!!! The poor kid was crying all day today when his friends and neighbors got onto the bus! These r haylige neshomos, they shuld be in chaider davening and learning!!!!!

  9. Why do you write Litvishe girls? Are their grandparents from Lithuania? They’re probably from Hungary as 98% of all Yiddisher Litvaks were killed out in the war! The article should have read Ingarisher non-Chasidic!

  10. I agree mit number 16 vy you alvays calling dem litwaks? dey are either from Pest or somevere near de grehnitz. Der is also Jekkishe, Galicianer, Polnischer, Russischer etc. Us hungarians don’t like to be called Litwaks.

  11. The entire school system should be stopped until every family in town donates at least 10,000 to fund the existing schools and start new schools .

  12. just a suggestions to all the women newly married now even though you dont have kids yet and your not so makpid on tznies now ie.dont wear stockings etc.it might come to haunt you in a few years and dont start cring to the vaad then and blame evryone shape up now and you will have a easier time then hatzlocha

  13. A little off topic is there anyway we can get the buses to pick up our kids in one corner of our street instead of having all these buses coming down one street causing congestion

  14. This number is like the unemployment rate. It only counts those that are still looking to get in, what about those who have completely given up and moved out of Lakewood or send their kids to other towns. Can we get a number?

    these days being poor means your not loaded and cant support the school and …. a womans tznius doesnt mean a thing- its if the husbands sitting and learning the whole day tht makes the decision. a woman from a fine family and fine middos yet her husband is working, doesnt get in, a lady whose tznius needs a lot of work but if her husband can support then their in! WHAT HAS THIS WORLD COME TO?? totaly sickening.

  16. if they had agreed to send to the schools that would take them and not to the in-style schools they would have been accepted long ago. there are at least 3 school with classes that are not full. but these (moderated) can only send to ——
    as far as boys, the 2 new schools are both far from full. so if there really is a boy not in school he has only his akshan parents to blame.

  17. Dovy – you’re assuming that the new schools are willing to fill those spots with children who don’t yet have a place. So far, that’s not been the case.

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