Students face many obstacles on their way to success at college. Some of these obstacles are small and easy to overcome, while others require much effort to deal with. When it comes to bad habits, we usually don’t take them seriously and view them as something minor. But in reality, we should pay more attention to habits as they may prevent us from high achievements. Let’s dig deeper and find out how bad habits influence student’s performance and why they should be broken.
Drinking caffeine to stay productive
Some students believe that caffeine can solve literally all of their problems, like low energy levels, lack of concentration, and poor productivity. So they regularly consume coffee and different caffeinated beverages, like energy drinks and huaraches food. But is this strategy viable for efficient learning? According to multiple studies, it doesn’t really work.
Researchers have revealed that although moderate doses of caffeine can boost alertness, larger amounts may cause anxiety. Unfortunately, students don’t typically monitor their body response in order to determine how much they can tolerate, so they tend to over consume caffeine. Consequently, the nervousness caused by substance abuse interferes with learning.
Besides, regular caffeine overconsumption leads to addiction. This means that if one doesn’t take it for several hours or days, they may experience unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. Apart from psychological issues provoked by excessive caffeine intake, students may face some physical problems, including high blood pressure and increased heart rate. These physical conditions also disrupt the process of learning.
As you see, instead of boosting the effectiveness of learning, caffeine causes reversed effects. Regular caffeine consumption is not the best solution for study problems, so it would be better for students to get rid of this bad habit.
Writing essays at night
The National Sleep Foundation recommends adults to get 7-9 hours of sleep per night to maintain good health. But most students don’t get the needed amount of sleep according to the study. As they put their college responsibilities first, young people tend to stay up all night in order to complete all home tasks.
However, this learning approach doesn’t work well in the long run. Scientists argue that continuous lack of sleep diminishes the ability to concentrate in the daytime. What’s more, it often makes students fall asleep unintentionally, even in class. So as you see, it gets almost impossible to function properly as one experiences problems with staying focused and struggles to stay awake.
Typically, all-nighters occur because students either have too much to do or postpone working until the last minute. While it’s impossible to avoid the first cause of all-nighters as the tasks are given by professors, one can deal with the second one. Never-ending postponing or procrastination happen because one lacks motivation and willpower to get things done at once. This can be changed with the help of scheduling and self-discipline training.
Still, there is a chance to avoid all-nighters even when one has loads of homework. One of the most common and effective solutions used by college students is asking for professional help. Students may meet with their instructors to get assistance or use, which is an online writing service. Such services are a great option for those who are extremely limited in their time and need to get their assignment done urgently. One can order a paper at the agency’s website and expect that it will be completed as soon as possible.
Multitasking while studying
In today’s digital world, students have access to tons of information and entertainment so it’s hard to choose what to prefer at a particular moment. So many things are competing for our attention that we often decide to do a few of them at the same time. For instance, students may check their social media while doing a homework assignment, or juggle reading and cooking simultaneously. This creates a habit of multitasking which previously was considered as a helpful skill. But things have already changed and multitasking is not viewed as a good habit anymore.
Researchers have revealed that multitasking negatively affects the process of learning. Since students are not focused on one thing at a time, the assimilation of new information gets worse. Multitasking is the reason for poor understanding of the material being learned as well as its unsatisfactory retention. Besides, tackling a few issues at once drains the brain and increases the total amount of time needed to complete each of them.
In general, multitasking adds to stress and frustration. Sooner or later, it will lead to poor test results and the drop in academic performance. Hence, it’s important to get rid of this habit if you want to achieve your ambitious study goals. You can start with small things, like turning off your smartphone and blocking distracting websites while studying.
Author’s BIO
Emma Rundle is an expert in academic writing and a study coach. Currently, her work is focused mainly on adapting students to distance learning so they are able to cope with their academic requirements. Jamie erdahl also helps students boost their work efficiency by adopting different learning strategies.