“Don’t go to work in your pajamas!” A year ago, had you heard this said at a sales webinar you would have been confused, maybe even shocked. However, in December of 2020, that same statement seems totally normal, even relevant, and was actually said at an Agudah sales webinar, held on zoom, a platform many had never heard of before March.
The second part of Agudah’s new webinar series dedicated to helping the public with practical advice as the world continues to adjust to the challenges brought about by the Covid–19 pandemic, focused on selling in a Covid world and how to maximize your sales during this time. A lot has changed in the world over the last nine months, especially in the world of sales, an industry based on personal relationships and on in-person interactions that are no longer possible in the time of social distancing.
Attendees appreciated the insights provided by the speakers. Chaim Jaroslawicz of Ad Infinitum, an attendee, said, “The panel you put together was the first one that I have seen that had real, practical info. Thank you!”
The webinar was moderated by Naftali Horowitz, Managing Director at J.P. Morgan, and presented by Marc Bodner, CEO at L&R Distributors; Laibel Schwartz; founder of Laibel Schwartz Photography; and Steve Shain, COO at LTC Contracting. Among other topics, the presenters discussed the importance of maintaining personal relationships, and providing a sense of calm for your clients in this unnerving time.
“It is important to us that we help provide resources and advice to everyone in Klal Yisroel, and this webinar was focused on sales,” said the host of the webinar, Rabbi Naftali Miller, national director of development for Agudath Israel.
The Agudah has made this webinar available for the public to watch by clicking here. The first webinar in the series, ‘End of Year Taxes in the COVID Era,’ is available for view by clicking here.