Until Friday 12 pm, you have the power and opportunity to help Bnos Penina raise 100k, and Bais Hatorah Raise 300k.
Its an all or nothing challenge!!!
Only with your help these 2 great schools will succeed!!
For the next 24 hours, every donation is quadrupled.
That means that for every dollar that you give, Bais Hatorah OR Bnos Peninal will get $4.
Its 2 seperate campaigns part of a larger giving day.
Remember: The campaigns are ALL OR NOTHING
$100 grows into $400!
$180 grows into $720!
$1000 grows into $4,000!
$1,800 grows into $7,200!
Bais Hatorah
2 ways to donate:
Call 732-800-1647
Bnos Penina (Bonus Round)
2 ways to donate:
I have a few children in Bais Hatorah They are truly amazing!
What does the charge come up as on my CC statement?