[COMMUNICATED] [24 HOUR ALL-OR-NOTHING CAMPAIGN] Congregation Zichron Binyamin was founded in 1998 to serve the growing Sephardic population in Lakewood. Within a year the original group of twelve had grown tremendously, with Zichron Binyamin hosting a morning and evening kollel.
The success of the kollel soon inspired its founder to dream of something more daring: Lakewood’s first full-time Sephardic kollel.
Why the need for such an institution in Lakewood, a city full of talmidei chachamim and kollel families?
Rabbi Bitton saw the potential to groom a small group of elite kollel members of sephardic lineage into outstanding talmidei chachamim and yirei shamayim.
These young men would be the nucleus of an institution that would exert a far reaching influence on the broader torah community.
The young kollel scholars would one day take the helm of leadership as tomorrow’s roshei yeshivot, rabbanim and teachers, able to transmit our torah with our precious heritage to the next generation.
Kollel Ohel Rachel, named in memory of Rachel bat Shulamit Haber A”H, became the jewel in the crown of Lakewood’s sephardic community. Starting with a core of 12 avreichim in 2002, the kollel went on become a magnet for some of the most talented sephardic bnei torah. Our alumni have gone onto many prestigious positions in the torah world in Lakewood, Brooklyn, and beyond.
Today, Purim Katan, the kollel was given the challenge by a group of generous benefactors to raise $600,000 within the next 24 hours ending tomorrow Wednesday at 1 PM. Every dollar raised will be matched three times. 100 dollars becomes 400, 500 becomes 2000, and 1000 becomes 4000! The catch is if we don’t reach our goal, we don’t get anything! It’s all or nothing! Please help us reach our goal!
visit www.charidy.com/czb or call 732-896-0059