[COMMUNICATED] After a fire tore through their homes two weeks ago, leaving them penniless, 23 families found themselves in the streets, searching for help.
Their children — 83 in total — are homeless. Some were placed in temporary foster families, some were taken in by friends, but all they want to do is be with their parents for Yom Tov.
So please, at the behest of our rabbanim, help us help them!
Let’s find these families homes, clothe them with Yom Tov finery, feed them delicacies fit for the chag.
Our goal at Kupat HaIr is to allot each family ten thousand dollars to start them off.
But we can only do it with your help.
So open your hearts and open your hands, and in that merit, may you truly enjoy a chag kasher v’sameiach.