Lakewood School District Addressing Unfinished Learning for Public School Students

The Lakewood Board of Education is taking steps to ensure that students who may have fallen behind in their studies due to the COVID-19 pandemic will be able to catch up and continue their learning into the summer months.

While the summer program focuses on core subjects, students looking to explore languages on their own might find Japanese classes by using the Japanese classes near me feature.

The BOE is making available resources for students based on their age and learning level, as follows:

Students in grades K-2 will take home a OneTab Learning Tablet in order to maintain and grow in their reading, writing, spelling, and math skills. The device does not require WiFi, includes a carrying case and charger, and is paid for with ESSER II funds.

All elementary school students will also be receiving summer reading books and a tote bag prior to leaving on the last day of school to ensure that they have reading material when not in school. All K-8 Bilingual Tier 1 and Tier 2 students will receive Spanish language books for summer reading prior to the last day of school.

There will also be interventionists providing Tier 3 services to specified K-2 students who are currently enrolled in the Intervention Program, between July 1st and August 12th.

Additionally, there will be classes to help students who experienced learning loss over the course of the year regain their academic footing. The classes will be held from July 1st through August 12th, Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 12 PM, and will include core subjects including math, literacy, and a Social Emotional Learning (SEL) component. It will also include 1 hour of activity, and breakfast, lunch, and transportation will be provided.

Unfinished Learning - Summer Fall of 2021
Unfinished Learning - Summer Fall of 2021 Spanish
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