VIDEOS: Hespedim held in Carteret for Harav Dovid Trenk Zatzal

Below are the Hespedim given last night.

Rabbi Yaakov Mayer, Rosh Yeshiva:

Rabbi Aaron Goldman: (Rabbi Goldman was the 10th Grade Rebbe in Adelphia Yeshiva, working closely with Rabbi Trenk for many years. He is currently a Rebbe in Yeshiva Darchei Torah.)

Rabbi Naftali Miller: (Rabbi Miller was a talmid of Rabbi Trenk in Adelphia Yeshiva. He is currently the National Director of Development at Agudas Yisroel of America, after 18+ years of serving as Executive Director of Yeshiva Derech Chaim. Among his many accomplishments, he founded the national organization Chasdei Lev.)

Rabbi Azriel Brown, Rosh Yeshiva: (Rabbi Brown was a son-in-law of Rabbi Trenk.)

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  1. Hi,
    Is there any way to post Rabbi Goldman’s hesped in a different format?
    I can open the others but my filter is blocking his.
    Thank you!
    A talmid

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