Two children safe after kayak capsizes in Lakewood’s Lake Carasaljo (PHOTOS)

Two children are safe after their kayak capsized in Lake Carasaljo this evening.

A witness saw two boys struggling to stay afloat in Lake Carasaljo after falling from their kayak, and called for help.

Police and LCSW responded to the lake, but the children managed to swim to shore before the water team arrived.


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  1. Why is this happening in the chosheve eer hatoirah of Heillege Lakewood, if chashivus hatoirah has the richtegeh erech it wouldn’t happen. Mir darf mechazek zain!

  2. Yuh! Ir zent gerecht! Vus far a shanda dust iz tzu gein kayaking oifen teich ven mir darf lernen torah Finif un Tzvuntzig Shu’uah nuch a’nant uhn kain hefsek! Nem alla dee klayna shifalech Vus mistama dee klayntzege bochurim hubben zay farkoift oif Amazon Prime (oif ZAYERE shprach) uhn mach nuch a Lag B’aomer sreifeh uhn varfen zay alleh arayn! Fech!

  3. People dontbrealize howneasyvit into capsize in a kayak. They’re very light and narrow.
    @Shmulkeh – those meds are not to be taken lightly, they’re very serious. Plz be vigilant in taking them regularly and at the proper doses.
    We all thank you.

  4. No life jackets? I started canoeing well past childhood and took a class at the local Y for beginning canoers. First rule, wear a life jacket. Where are the parents?

  5. @shmulkeh

    This is a different point. But it would be different if people understood that Lakewood really is a chosheveh makom toirah and an ir hatoirah and we’re all mushpa from it.
    Well said!!

  6. B’H, the kids are safe. About 20 years ago there was a similar incident about 20 years ago. Dean Clayton, a goy who was a major oheiv Yisroel was on the lake with his two kids. They both fell overboard and he went in and pulled them back on board but he himself got caught up in the weeds and drowned, sadly. Then of course, the name of he lake itself. Lake Carasaljo. Not sure if it was for two or three girls – Cara, Sally Joe or Sally and Joesephine – not sure. They died Ice Skating after they fell through the ice. Also some single men have drowned in the lake as well, if my memory is correct. But the kids always die in multiples. Not to be superstitious, but it’s kind of weird.

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