JUST IN: Lakewood Mayor to appoint Township Committee Candidate Moshe Raitzik to Planning Board

Lakewood Township Committee candidate Moshe Raitzik will be appointed to the Planning Board to serve as the Mayor’s Designee, TLS has confirmed.

Raitzik, who will be running on the Democratic ticket this June, will replace Angela Zografos, who has retired.

“I’ve known Moshe for a long time, we ran together, and I think he will do his best for the residents of Lakewood,” Coles told TLS.

Raitzik has served on various different boards in Lakewood since 2007, including on the Municipal Alliance Committee, Shade Tree Commission, Rent Control Board, Utility Advisory Board, and the Board of Education.

“It’s an honor to be appointed by the Mayor, and I look forward to serving the community in this capacity,” Raitzik told TLS.

He will be appointed during the upcoming Township Committee meeting.

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