Today: Hachnosas Sefer Torah in memory of Hayeled Hudi Stein A”H

The Hachnosas Sefer Torah is in memory of Hayeled Chaim Yehuda Meir (Hudi) Stein A”H, who was Niftar last year.

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  1. His neshama shld have an Aliyah.its so sad to see so many young children be nifter these days attention Klal Yisroel we have to be better yidden!!! I hope the family is doing ok even though people tend to frgt about children after they r nifter I want to say 1 thing tzikumin tzu zayn tikun.

  2. This boy has such a sweet face. My heart is breaking for the family who must miss him so much. My the Sefer Torah be an Aliya neshama and bring the family menuchas hanefesh.

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