Free month of Poland Spring water; No strings attached

[COMMUNICATED] Poland Spring Natural Spring Water is the Northeast’s preferred brand of bottled water, known for its refreshingly crisp and delicious flavor. Poland spring has been quenching the thirst of Americans for over 150 years and has consistently been ranked near the top of taste polls.

Watchung Beverage Delivery, a local, family owned company that has been servicing the Lakewood area for over four decades, is the exclusive distributor of the popular big 5 gallon Poland Spring water bottles in six NJ counties, including Ocean County. The big 5 gallon water bottles, dispensed through a water cooler, are a great alternative to using hundreds of small water bottles.

Watchung is offering a limited-time deal to homes and offices in the Lakewood area, where they can get a FREE month supply of Poland Spring 5 gallon water bottles, including FREE delivery and the FREE use of the water cooler. Deals like these do not come around too often, so if you have been meaning to get a water cooler or you just want a better way to stay healthy in your home or office, now is the time to take action. It’s a no brainer with no strings attached.

All you have to do is call 732-363-0567 and ask for your FREE month of Poland Spring water and the big green Poland Spring truck will be on the way to your home or office shortly thereafter.

Thousands of Lakewood residents have been enjoying the reliable, convenient and friendly service of Watchung Beverage Delivery over the past 40 years; now is the time to join the crowd and try Poland Spring in your home or office.

Watchung is waiting for your call at 732-363-0567.

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  1. yackov, it’s called a promotion. Very common for attracting new customers. I called and ordered it. It took 4 minutes and the delivery is scheduled. pretty cool.

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